
Phone lines are open from 8:30 each morning (Mon-Fri) to book a phone consultation with a GP. These are subject to capacity and once full, only emergency calls will be taken. 

Harland Practice will be closed for the Bank Holiday on Monday 26th August 2024.


Clinics & Services

Treatment Room

The treatment room is open Monday to Friday - they operate an appointment based system. To book an appointment please contact Harland Medical Practice on 028 9056 3397.

Antenatal clinic

Is no longer running from the Harland Medical Practice, instead to book in with the community midwife please ring 02890633049 between 09:00-09:30 or 14:00-16:00 to book an appointment.

Baby clinic

The baby clinic is on Tuesday mornings from 09:00 to 11:30 (by appointment only).

This clinic is for immunisations and child development checks and gives you the opportunity to discuss other issues such as sleeping, feeding and child health worries.

To see the health visitor a separate clinic is run in the Arches Health centre at the Clinical zone on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month.

Minor surgery

Dr David Best and Dr Stuart Kane are fully trained to carry out minor surgical procedures at the surgery (by appointment only). The doctors will advise you regarding using this service.  Please note these appointments are usually within four to six weeks. Referrals to hospital may take much longer.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

The practice has a CBT counsellor Mrs Gillian Hughes.

Family planning

Dr Alex Hoey can fit contraceptive coils and implants and provide emergency contraception. Please phone to make an appointment with her if required.

Patients over 75

If you are aged 75 or over you can be seen annually by a doctor or nurse.  Please contact the surgery if you wish to avail of this service.  If you have not had a general check up in the past three years we would like you to make an appointment and come and see either the doctor or nurse.

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