Clinics & Services
Most clinics are run by Practice Nurses and are overseen by the GP leads.
Asthma - Clinical Lead GP Dr. Susan Dixon
Available to all patients with a diagnosis of asthma to monitor their treatment and help them improve their health.
Paediatric Asthma
All of our patients aged 19 and under with asthma can expect:-
- Regular Reviews on an individual basis depending on their level of control.
- Inhaler technique assessment and training so it is essential that all inhalers, spacers etc. are brought to the appointment.
- A Personalised Asthma Action Plan.
- Information and links to self-management resources
It is very important that patients with asthma attend for a review even if they are well. Patients will be automatically invited via our recall system, but if anyone experiences any problems in between appointments please book an appointment with the Practice Nurse or the GP as soon as possible and do not wait to be invited.
The following websites have useful information about managing your asthma:
Chest Clinic - Clinical Lead GP Dr. Susan Dixon
The surgery offers regular reviews to patients with lung disease (COPD). This service is available to patients with breathing problems and chronic lung disease. The aim is to provide patients with education and close monitoring of their lung condition. Annual lung function tests are performed and medication reviews are undertaken to ensure each.
Diabetic Clinic - Clinical Lead GP Dr. Paul Richbell
The surgery offers regular reviews of patients with diabetes. After blood results are received, the doctors will decide which clinic is most suitable for your annual review. There is a clinic on Wednesdays between 14:00 and 14:45. Other appointment times are available with Practice Nurses if necessary. The aim is to provide health education and advice on lifestyle and ensure diabetes remains well controlled. Full education plans are offered to those newly diagnosed and then thereafter as and when needed. Information regarding medication is provided. We have close links with dieticians and podiatrists and regular eye screenings are promoted.
Family Planning and Contraception
We provide a full contraceptive service including coil fitting and emergency contraception. In addition, if you prefer there are local clinics available to advise on your health and provide screening / contraception services - or telephone 0300 303 8565.
Flu Jab - available September-March
If you are over 65 or have a heart or lung problem, asthma, diabetes or are in frail health you are advised to have a flu injection every year. Clinics start in September / October when the vaccine becomes available. Please note that this year two different adult flu vaccines have been recommended - one for those aged under 65 and one for those aged 65 and over. Delivery dates for the vaccine will vary so we will keep you posted.
Healthy Heart / Stroke Clinic / Circulation - Clinical Lead GP Dr. Brian Lewis
We offer regular reviews of patients with heart problems. This is a clinic available to patients who have had a Stroke, TIA or have heart disease. The aim is to provide treatment following best practice guidelines. Patients are encouraged to attend for regular follow up and monitoring of their condition.
Infant and Child Immunisation
Clinic time is Wednesday morning 09:00 – 11:45. This clinic is provided for developmental assessments and vaccinations and is run jointly by the GP, the Practice Nurse and the Health Care Assistant. The doctor will undertake assessments when your baby has reached the appropriate ages of 8 weeks. If you would just like your child / baby weighed or require advice please contact your health visitor. If you have difficulty attending at clinic times please contact the nurse to arrange an appropriate appointment.
Minor Surgery - Dr B Lewis
A comprehensive minor surgery service is available including the removal of skin lesions and injection of joints.
We offer a Wellbeing Service run by the Tameside Oldham and Glossop MIND team. They run a service here each Thursday morning by appointment. They will see you if you are feeling low, anxious, isolated or are finding it generally difficult to cope. You can make an appointment by contacting our reception team and asking for an appointment with the MIND practitioner.
Cervical Screening (Smear) Tests are carried out here at the surgery. Women will be sent an invitation letter when their screening is due. It is a simple test which really does save lives and we would strongly encourage you to make an appointment to attend when you receive your invitation.
Breast Screening (mammogram) invitations are sent out by NHS England to all women aged 50-70 years every three years. These are carried out by trained specialist nurses at local clinics. You will be sent your results directly from the service. This screening is important and really does save lives and we would strongly encourage you to attend when you receive an appointment.
Bowel Cancer Screening - self testing kits are sent out by NHS England to all men and women aged 60-74 years every two years. This screening can save lives and we would strongly encourage you to complete the home test and send it off as directed in your information pack. If you have any questions about this, or if you require a replacement kit for any reason, you can ring the service on 0800 707 6060.
If you are aged 70 - 79 you may now be eligible to receive a shingles vaccination - NHS England is releasing these vaccines in stages.
Vaccination is currently being offered to those who are aged 70, 78 and 79, and to anyone in their seventies who was born after 1st September 1942. People who are in their seventies but are not yet eligible for vaccination, will be offered vaccination in future years under the national programme.
For more information, and to find out if you are currently eligible please visit If you are eligible and would like to receive the vaccine, please contact the surgery and book an appointment with the Practice Nurse.
At this moment in time we are not offering private medicals.
This includes adoption medicals, taxi medicals and HGV medicals.
These are a private service and something we do not offer.
If this is to change in the future we will inform you.