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Due to extremely high demand for this service, any submissions received at the moment, may take up to a week for a response, not the advertised 2 day turnaround. You also may not be able to submit an eConsult if we have reached our maximum capacity for this service.

Please do not submit an eConsult for an urgent matter or use this to request an appointment.

Please be aware that an eConsult will normally result in a response via email, therefore please do not request or expect a telephone call. If you need to speak to a doctor, please call the surgery on 01929 462376 to request a same day or routine appointment.

Many thanks


Zero Tolerance Statement

 As a healthcare organisation we are very aware that visiting the surgery or contacting us can, at times, be stressful and concerning for patients. Delays in obtaining appointments and delays sometimes due to unforeseen emergency appointments, can also add to these concerns.

We always strive to meet patient expectation and deliver the highest standards of healthcare. For the vast majority of our patients, we achieve this, despite the finite resources and steadily increasing demand for services that exists today within the NHS.

Our staff come to work to care for others, and it is important for all members of the public and our staff to be treated with respect.

In line with the rest of the NHS and to ensure this is fully observed we have instigated a Dignity at Work and Zero Tolerance policy, whereby aggressive or violent behaviour towards our staff will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

Anyone who verbally abuses a member of practice staff will be sent a letter from the Practice Manager confirming that this behaviour will not be tolerated. Any future violation of this policy may result in removal from the Practice patient list. The Police will be called in all cases of violence.

We are sure you will understand that appropriate behaviour is absolutely necessary for our staff and patients and that non observance will not be accepted.

Thank you for your support.


Letter from our partners - 12/06/2023

Letter June page 1

Letter June page 2

Letter page 3

Letter June page 4

Transcript of letter above for users of assistive technology

Veteran friendly logo

We are very proud to announce that we are officially accredited as a Veteran Friendly Practice.

With the location of the practice situated between Bovington and Lulworth Garrisons and with so many ex-service personnel living in this beautiful area of Purbeck it is very important to us that we do our best to understand the needs of this community.

Please see our dedicated veterans area under the further information menu Arrow


Covid-19 is still out there, despite moving to a new normal in terms of the way our appointments operate (we offer both face to face and telephone appointments rather than a telephone triage system which was preferred during the height of the pandemic), we ask that you do not attend the surgery if you have any symptoms associated with coronavirus including:

  • a new continuous cough
  • a high temperature
  • a loss of taste and/or smell (Anosmia) 

unless you have already spoken with a clinician via the telephone and they have invited you to an appointment. 

For the latest Covid-19 advice please visit or if you are unable to go online you can call 119.

Face coverings

All NHS and healthcare settings are not still subject to the requirement to wear face coverings, if you wish to wear a face covering whilst in the building please feel free to do so. 


Please note that some of our patients will be receiving telephone calls from Pharmacists who are working with and on behalf of our GPs to identify possible changes to medication, we will also soon be offering appointments with a pharmacist for medication reviews. These will be held at the surgery on a regular basis and are as an alternative to seeing a GP for the same reason. 

"Traditional values, modern practice"

Wellbridge surgery in Wool aims to provide the highest quality healthcare to patients in the area. Our doctors, nurses and all our other staff are dedicated to offering a professional service and this surgery website will help us to keep all our patients up to date with news and information about our practice.

As well as a source of information about our practice, the staff and the services we provide, we hope you will use this website as a useful resource for other health-related information. Please have a look around and do send us some feedback if you like. We can use your ideas to improve our online services and further develop the content of this site. 

Practice Philosophy

Within our local community, we aim to:

Treat and if possible cure disease, quickly, effectively, and economically.

Relieve suffering and promote well being in the sick, disabled and dying.

Promote the physical, mental, spiritual, and social well being of each individual.

Encourage everyone to be responsible for maintaining, and if possible improving, his or her own health. To assist this by educating and informing our patients appropriately. Attempt to reduce the overall incidence of disease and handicap, and increase the overall level of health and well being. Increase community awareness of what we can all do to improve health generally, and encourage and facilitate local initiatives, and encourage a health-promoting environment.

Duty of Candour (Being Open)

The Duty of Candour has been introduced as a direct result of the Francis Inquiry Report into the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust, which recommended that a statutory “duty of candour” be imposed on all healthcare providers, which defined “Openness”, “Transparency” and “Candour”.  


To this end, we at The Wellbridge Practice will:

  • Acknowledge, apologise and explain when things go wrong;
  • Carry out investigations into incidents affecting Patient Safety;
  • Provide support for those involved in the incident (patients & staff) to cope with the physical & emotional impact.
  • Reassure patients, families & carers that lessons learned will prevent patient safety incidents happening in the future.
(Site updated 09/09/2024)
For appointments and prescriptions please use the Online Services link above. Alternatively, just click here.
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