
Which service, when?

Inappropriate A+E attendances for problems that are neither emergencies nor related to acute injuries from accidents, cause delay in assessment for those who have genuine need. NHS Sheffield is keen to help you choose the right service for your needs at the time, i.e "the right place at the right time". That might be, self-care, pharmacist advice, walk-in-centre, GP (including urgent access as at Crystal Peaks MC),or out of hours GP service. In order to facilitate that, there is some guidance available in our further information list. Please help by accessing the right service at the right time. This is especially important in the winter months when the health service is under additional pressure. Thank you

HGV/PCV Medicals- £110!

We have reduced our price for Heavy Goods Vehicle and Passenger Carrying Vehicle examinations. We believe there are advantages to having your registered medical practice carrying out these medicals as we have full access to your medical record, if there are any queries and we can rapidly arrange any further tests that may become necessary. Please contact reception to arrange an appointment.

Practice Email

Please be aware that our email address is not for clinical enquiries, and any such emails will be returned to sender.

Vaccination Programmes

Flu and Covid Vaccinations 

We will be running a flu clinic on Friday 4th October for over 65's only. If you have not yet received an invite, please contact reception to arrange. We will be adding further clinic dates.

If you are under 65 and clinically at risk you will be eligible for the flu vaccine. We are running a clinic on Saturday 5th October. If you have not yet received an invite, please contact reception to arrange. 

We will be vaccinating our housebound patients as a priority, if you are housebound, please let reception know so we can ensure we schedule you a home visit. 

Please follow the link below for more information: 

When can I get my flu vaccine? Information for adults offered a flu vaccine on the NHS (

We will be running our childhood nasal flu vaccination clinic on Tuesday 24th September, this is for all children aged 2-3. Please see the below link for further information. 

Children's flu vaccine - NHS (

RSV Vaccine 

You may have heard of a new vaccine called the RSV vaccine that is being rolled out in September 2024. This is to help protect against respiratory syncytial virus which can cause pneumonia. For more information on the vaccine, please visit:

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) - NHS ( 

We will be running a clinic on Friday 6th September (NOW FULL), Friday 13th September and Wednesday 18th September if you fall into the eligibility criteria as stated in the link above, please contact reception to book an appointment. 

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