

We are delighted to announce our website will shortly be upgraded to a new digital platform which will bring many benefits to our patients.  The upgrade is scheduled for 14th February.  Prescriptions can be ordered in the same way by clicking on the prescriptions option.


Facebook page

Station Road now has a Facebook page to help keep Patients up-to-date with the latest Practice news.  If you would like to follow our page it can be found by searching for Station Road Medical Practice or clicking on the link below


Mental Health

This national website for Scotland has a focus on wellbeing and everyday feelings of concern due to coronavirus. It has been created in partnership with Healthier Scotland, NHS Scotland, Breathing Space and Samaritans Scotland.

Key message – "We’re living through unfamiliar times right now and the coronavirus outbreak has changed how we live day to day. If you feel confused, stressed or anxious at some point, you’re not alone.  Whether you have been directly affected by the virus, or are struggling to cope with the restrictions, it is important to look after both your physical and mental health. The tips on this site can help."

Together Let’s Care for your Mental Health

This campaign aims to raise awareness of a range of mental health information, and services that support mental health. It’s been developed between NHS 24, Police Scotland and the Scottish Ambulance service as part of a joint response to the Scottish Government Mental Health Strategy 2017-2027.

Under the banner 'Together Let's Care for your Mental Health' partners are able to signpost to a range of digital self-help guides from clinicians and options for further support. Additional information is also available for a range of day to day concerns such as anxiety, depression, young people's mental health needs, alcohol, gambling and drug use as well as COVID-19 specific information.

Available from

Mental Health from NHSinform

Online guides to mental wellbeing and self-help guides from clinicians for a wide range of mental health concerns. Advice on dealing with low mood, anxiety, phobias, stress and where to get help or find support groups. Information available 24/7/365 for people to explore in their own time.

Scotland’s Service Directory – Local & National Support Services

Through Scotland's Service Directory you can find the names, addresses, opening times and service details for thousands of health and wellbeing services in Scotland, from the NHS, community groups and charity sectors. Includes online, telephone and in-person services for a very wide range of health and social concerns.

Perinatal Mental Health

Advice on health and wellbeing, including relationships and mental health is available at NHS inform, Ready, Steady, Baby

The Women and Families Maternal Mental Health Pledge was developed by women with lived experience and sets out expectations around perinatal mental health care. There is more information at NHSinform here.

The Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Third Sector Service Directory is a repository of PIMH services across Scotland which can be filtered by area or service required: Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Third Sector Service Directory - Inspiring Scotland

Children, Young People & Families

Access to school counselling will be available for all children and young people aged 10 and over, please speak to your school or contact your local authority to find out how to access this service.


Solihull Online is a resource which provides additional support for parents, children and young people, aimed at improving parent-child relationships, managing problematic behaviour and promoting positive mental health. Free online access is available for every parent in Scotland with a child between 0-19 years old. It will allow for a 24 month registration period plus lifetime access after that. You can access it by going to:  and entering the code word "tartan".

Parent Club also provides advice and guidance on parenting from pregnancy onwards as well as some specific COVID-19 content including a specific focus on mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Emotional wellbeing – Aye Feel

Aye Feel was launched in May 2020 and is a live resource that is actively updated based on what young people tell us they need and in response to the changing restrictions and guidance around Covid-19.

This ensures that children and young people are provided with the most up to date information and advice.

Most recently Aye Feel has provided advice and guidance in relation to the new Christmas restrictions, along with their continued mental health advice and signposting.

Telephone Support Options

Breathing Space – phone and web chat

A free, confidential, phone service for anyone in Scotland over the age of 16 experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety.

Opening hours: Weekdays: Monday-Thursday 6pm to 2am

Weekend: Friday 6pm-Monday 6am

Helpline number: 0800 83 85 87

NHS 24 Mental Health Hub at 111

The Mental Health Hub is available 24 hours a day, 7 days of the week for those in need of urgent psychological or emotional support. Call 111 and follow the telephone prompts.

A team of Psychological Well-being Practitioners (PWPs) and Mental Health Nurses assess individual callers to the Mental Health Hub 111 service. There are a number of possible outcomes, the majority of calls are resolved without the need for any onward referral.

PWPs are specially trained staff who are expertly supported by Mental Health Senior Charge Nurses and Mental Health Nurse Practitioners.

The Mental Health Hub also have a direct referral Pathway to the Distress Brief Intervention (DBI) programme, which complements the regional expansion of DBI at a local level. NHS24 Mental Health Hub staff may offer this pathway for those who contact them in distress from anywhere across Scotland. DBI provides an ‘ask once - get help fast’ early intervention for people: 

aged 16 years and over

in distress/emotional pain

who do not need urgent medical or clinical treatment

The programme provides support for people within 24hrs of referral to problem solving, wellness and distress management planning for a period of up to 14 days and connections to local supports, where required. NHS24 will continue to use the current clinical pathways for those who require a clinical response. This enables more people across Scotland to benefit from the connected compassionate support DBI has created. For further information, see

Health & Social Care staff - Helpline & Promis Website


A new national mental wellbeing support line is now available for everyone working in health and social care services. It is a compassionate listening service which you can access whenever you need it – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by calling 0800 111 4191.

The National Wellbeing Helpline is operated by NHS 24.

Online hub

If you work in health or social services in Scotland then this site is for you. Individuals, managers, all staff in health and social care services and some third sector organisations can access appropriate advice and support. Money worries, PPE, childcare, supporting staff and self-care – there are resources for all these topics and more.

Togetherall (for 16-25 year olds)

People from South Ayrshire aged between 16 -25 years going through a tough time can now access free online support with Togetherall. 

Whether you’re struggling to sleep, feeling low, stressed or unable to cope, Togetherall can help you get support, take control and feel better. You will have access to a 24/7 online global community and professional support from trained professionals. 

Togetherall provides a safe space online to get things off your chest, explore your feelings, get creative and learn how to self-manage your mental health and wellbeing. They’ve been providing support to users since 2007! 

On Togetherall, you are totally anonymous to other members in the community, and your personal information is kept secure while you are on the site.

South Ayrshire Council will not be informed if you’ve signed up to Togetherall or know of your activity on the service unless they are seriously concerned about your safety. Most members report feeling better and more able to cope with their workloads as a result of using the service and nearly 65% use Togetherall outside of a typical 9-5pm. 

To join us, simply go to and sign up with your postcode for free today!


Daylight is an app to help you manage your anxiety. You can access the programme from the following link:

Further information about the app and how to download it can be found in the link below:

Daylight app


Sleepio is an online sleep improvement programme to help tackle poor sleep and insomnia.  You can access the programme at

Further information about the programme can be found in the link below:

Sleepio app

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