Online Services for Filey Surgery
People registered with our surgery can request repeat prescriptions at a time convenient to them, thanks to GP online services.
These services enable people to request repeat prescriptions via their computer, smartphone or tablet at a time that suits them rather than calling or visiting the surgery.
This approach can save people a phone call or journey to the surgery, and allow them to do what they need to when the surgery is closed. Patients living with a long term health conditions can also benefit by having a greater involvement in their healthcare as they can access test results and keep track of their treatment.
All patient information is kept securely. This page on the surgery website allows access to the information patients need. Smartphone and tablet users can also download the SystmOnline TPP App in either App Store or Google Play from which gives users the same choice in how they access GP online services.
This service works alongside traditional methods of accessing services, it does not replace them. By allowing people who want to make appointments and order prescriptions this way, it should become easier for others to get through on the phone to the surgery during busy periods.
If you want to register for GP online services you will need to fill out a form at the surgery and show two forms of ID one of which should be a photo (such as a uk passport or driving licence) and the other should have your address (such as a council tax bill). If you don't have photo ID or anything with your address on it, it doesn't mean you will not be able to use online services, our surgery staff may be able to help.
To register for GP online services, drop in and ask us, or to find out more visit the NHS Choice website at
SMS text messaging
The practice uses SMS messaging to contact patients. If you would like to opt out of this service please contact the surgery.
Online Access to Medical Records
In addition to being able to book appointments and order repeat prescriptions online, patients can now request access to view their Detailed Coded Record online. As this will be information you would not want anyone else to see we will need you to bring some photo ID to Reception and sign a form to confirm that you understand the implications of this before we can upgrade your online access. As your GP will review the record first to ensure there is no third party information in the record it may be some time before access is granted dependant on demand and GP work load.
Online Access for Patients aged 15 and under
SystmOnline, the way to order repeat prescriptions and book appointments online, has changed recently and patients under 16 are no longer allowed to access this. The parents of patients aged up to 11 can request proxy access for their children and the parent would then be able to order repeat prescriptions online and book appointments online for their child. In order to prevent any breach of confidentiallity we do not allow parental access for children aged 11-15. When a patient reaches the age of 16 they can request online access in the usual way.
Why We do not Allow Online Access for Parents on Behalf of their 11-15 Year Old Children
Respecting patient confidentiality is an essential part of good care. This applies when the patient is a child or young person as well as when the patient is an adult. Without the trust that confidentiality brings, children and young people might not seek medical care and advice, or they might not tell a Doctor all the facts needed to provide good care. The same duties of confidentiality apply when using, sharing or disclosing information about children and young people as about adults. Although someone with parental responsibility can seek access to a child's medical records, if there is information given by the child or young person in confidence this would not normally be disclosed without their consent. In giving those with parental responsibility online access to their children’s records there is a risk that we could breech the confidentiality of the child. Therefore parents of children aged 11 years or more cannot currently have online access to their child’s records.