Complaints Procedure





This leaflet gives you details of the practice's Complaints Procedure which has been developed by the doctor and staff at this practice.  As you know everyone at the practice aims to give you the best possible service but complaints can sometimes arise. In the event of this happening, we want you to know that we will deal with your complaint politely, speedily and fairly. Our Practice Manager, Mohammed Shaid, is in charge of the complaints system; and in her absence you can speak to Sarah Kandziorka.


What do I do if I wish to make a complaint?


In the first instance you should write to the Practice Manager with an outline of the complaint you wish to make.


You can also, explain to any of the reception staff regarding the nature of your complaint.  They will always in the first instance advise you to write to the Practice Manager.   They will listen to you and confirm the details of the complaint. They will then fill in the details of the complaint on a form. If you are complaining on behalf of a patient then you will be asked to get a signed consent form from the patient before we can proceed.  This will enable you to pursue the complaint on their behalf. They will also ask you for the following information:




            Telephone number

            When you will be available to receive a telephone call from the Practice Manager.


If you do not have a telephone Mohammed Shaid will write to you about your complaint. Finally, the receptionists will ask you to sign the complaint form.


What happens when this form is completed?


The receptionist will give you a complaints leaflet and go through it with you to ensure that you understand it.  Mohammed/ Sarah will also tell you that they  will contact you within 10  working days and aim to deal with your complaint within 28 days.


What happens if I cannot get to the practice?


If you cannot get to the practice, you can telephone with the details of your complaint and the receptionist will fill in the form as usual and pass it on to Mohammed Shaid or Sarah Kandziorka,


What if I want to make a complaint and I do not have a telephone?


If you do not have a telephone and you want to make a complaint, you can write to Mohammed Shaid or Sarah Kandziorka who will then follow up your complaint with you.


What happens after I have made the complaint?


After you have made the complaint, you can expect to hear from Mohammed Shaid /Sarah Kandziorka within an acknowledgment within 10 working days. When they contact you, Mohammed/ Sarah will check the details of your complaint and they may then be able to provide you with an explanation. If you are satisfied with this, then they will write you a letter confirming the explanation.


What happens if I am not satisfied at this point?


If you are not satisfied with this and feel that more should be done then Mohammed Shaid  will investigate the complaint further. He will send you a letter to confirm this and at the same time offer you some dates and times at which a meeting between you could take place.  Normally this would be within three weeks of the date on which you first complained and a stamped addressed envelope would also be sent to you for your reply. If you cannot make any of the suggested days or times please say when you could attend a meeting and Mohammed Shaid  will make the arrangements.


Where would this meeting take place and who will be at the meeting?


These meetings normally take place at the practice. Mr Mohammed and  Sarah Kandziorka usually attend these meetings.


Can I bring anyone with me to this meeting?


Yes. It is a good idea to bring someone with you to this meeting. You can bring a relative or a friend but if you feel unable to do this and still want someone there then you can contact the Leeds North East Primary Care Trust, Community Health Council or the Leeds Advocacy Project and they will be able to advise you. Their addresses are at the end of this leaflet.


What happens at this meeting?


Mohammed/ Sarah will ask you about the complaint; listen to what you have to say and then discuss the various points, providing further explanation. If you are satisfied at this point, Mohammed/ Sarah will send you a letter confirming this.


What happens at this point if I am still not satisfied?


Mohammed/ Sarah will give you details of NHS Complaints Procedure, including how to contact them. She will confirm the situation about your complaint in a letter to you and also confirm the NHS Complaints Procedure details.


If I am making a complaint about the practice, will they refuse to see me if I need to see the doctor?


No member of staff will refuse to see you whilst you are making a complaint or indeed after you have made a complaint against the practice. Whilst we regret that a complaint has been made, all the staff want to do is to give you the best possible care.


What if I am not really sure that I want to make a complaint but I do want to say something about my care, what can I do?


There are a couple of things that you can do. First of all, you can still ask to see Mohammed Shaidand discuss it with her. She will be pleased to help you do this. If you then wish to make a complaint, she will fill in the form and investigate it. Secondly, you can seek advice from the Leeds Primary Care Trust, Community Health Council, the Leeds Advocacy Project or Leeds Health Authority. Their addresses are at the end of this letter. Once again if you do decide that you want to make a complaint they will help you do this.


Addresses and telephone numbers to make your complaint:


Mr Mohammed Shaid                          

Newton Surgery          


LS7 3JT                                                          

Telephone number:  0113 2953737                                                                                           


The Complaints Unit

3rd Floor (Rear)

North West House

West Park Ring Road


LS16 6QG

Telephone No:  0113 3057448







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