
Oriel Surgery will be closed for the August Bank Holiday on Monday 26th August 2024. Medical emergencies will be dealt with by Dalriada Urgent Care. We re-open at 8.30am on the Tuesday 27th.


Updated - Jan 2024

We run a triage system each morning where patients get to speak to a GP for a quick consultation and from this will either be dealt with there and then or passed to another GP is a more lengthy consultation is needed. This Triage GP will also give the Face to Face appointments, not the reception staff. We know our phones are busy, they are internet based and at times we have heard that some patients are hanging on  or that calls drop out for no reason. We apologise for this but it seems to be out of our control due to the typr of carrier service we have to use. Our receptionists will ask some questions about your problem so the GPs can prioritise your medical need and to help to guide you to the appropriate person.


 Childhood Immunisation Table




















Empowering people with the confidence and information to look after themselves when they can, and visit the GP when they need to, gives people greater control of their own health and encourages healthy behaviours that help prevent ill health in the long-term. See advice resource bottom of right hand column.

In many cases people can take care of their minor ailments, reducing the number of GP consultations and enabling GPs to focus on caring for higher risk patients, such as those with comorbidities, the very young and elderly, managing long-term conditions and providing new services.

Oriel Surgery Training Practice


Oriel Surgery has been accredited as a training practice, and from early August 2015 we will be hosting qualified doctors intending to become GP’s. Becoming a training practice means that we have been recognised for achieving higher standards of patient care – something that we earnestly value and treasure.


The GP Trainee is a fully qualified doctor who already has experience of hospital medicine and will gain invaluable experience by being based within the practice.


Please do not hesitate to speak to the GP or staff member about this new development






Cancelling your Appointment

 If you are unable to attend an appointment with one of the doctors or nurses, please telephone the surgery as early as possible to cancel your appointment.

By giving us as much notice as you can you are helping us to make sure that someone else is given your slot.

Test Results

The Practice has an electronic link to the laboratory at the local Hospital.

To receive test results, please contact the Practice between the hours of 11-12pm and 3-4 pm. The receptionist will be happy to inform you of the test results reported by the doctor.

For reasons of confidentiality, information will not be given to another person unless prior permission has been given.

OTC Medication

We need your help

Our Health Service has a limited budget. Spending money on treatments for minor illnesses reduces the money available to treat more serious conditions such as heart disease and cancer. Self-managing minor illnesses will also help free up GP appointments.

The items we will no longer be able to prescribe are


Anti-inflammatory gels or creams e.g. ibuprofen gel, diclofenac gel

Oral Painkillers e.g. paracetamol, ibuprofen

Antifungal creams e.g. clotrimazole, miconazole, terbinafine

Anti-viral creams e.g. acyclovir 5%

Colic drops e.g. infacol, Dentinox Colic Drops, Colief, Gripe Water

Cough Bottles

Lozenges and sprays for sore throats

Nasal Decongestants e.g. pseudoephedrine tablets, decongestant sprays and drops

Oral rehydration solutions e.g. Dioralyte

Antidiarrheal medicines e.g. loperamide

Laxatives e.g. Fybogel, bisacodyl, lactulose and senna

Drops for softening ear wax

Lacquer for fungal nail infections

Haemorrhoid creams, ointments and suppositories e.g. Anusol

Hay fever and allergy treatment such as Oral antihistamines e.g. cetirizine, loratadine, chlorphenamine

Antihistamine creams

Steroid nasal sprays e.g. beclomethasone, fluticasone

Head lice lotions and sprays

Indigestion and heartburn remedies such as Maalox, Mucogel and gaviscon

Infant feeding milks e.g. comfort milk, lactulose free formula for colic and reflux

Nappy rash barrier creams like metanium, sudocream, Zinc and Castor oil cream

Mouthwashes e.g. chlorhexidine

Sunscreens (unless for approved conditions)

Threadworm treatment

Vaginal Thrush treatments

Vitamins and minerals unless in line with an approved condition)


Eye supplements e.g icaps, Ocuvite, Macushield, Viteyes

Gamolenic Acid/ Evening Primrose oil

Glucosamine containing products

Gluten free non staple foods e.g. buiscuits, muffins, sausage rolls

Omega 3 Products





Cod Liver Oil


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