Listening Ear -Bereavement Helpline (See Attached Resources)
The Listening Ear South Yorkshire bereavement service was set up in April to help people who have lost loved ones during the coronavirus pandemic. This has now been extended until the 31st Jan 2022. Its open to anyone who has lost loved ones during this difficult time, whether from the virus or otherwise, local health and care organisations across South Yorkshire wanted to make sure there were services available to support people whilst they may be physically distant from their families and friends. Since launching in April, almost 1000 appointments have been accessed by people from across Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield with overwhelmingly positive feedback. People can self-refer or referrals can be made by police, GPs and primary care staff, hospital bereavement services, mortuary staff, funeral directors, coroner’s office, crematorium and bereavement services staff and community and faith organisations.
The service is a free to call on 0800 048 5224, email: or via the website:
AMPARO- Suicide Bereavement Service
AMPARO has been in Barnsley for just over 2 years and has been extremely well received by those that have used it. It provides support for anyone affected by suicide. Support can be provided one-to-one, to family groups, groups of colleagues or peers – whatever is preferred by the person and is most appropriate to their situation. The service can be delivered at home or wherever they are most comfortable. This is currently all been done remotely via phone and video calls at present due to the pandemic. The service is completely confidential and can provide short-term or longer-term support, depending on what you feel it is you need. AMPARO is not a counselling service but it does provide emotional and practical support. The experienced Liaison Workers can listen to the needs of the person being supported and assist them in accessing the support they need, whilst helping with a range of practical matters such as: dealing with police and coroners; helping with media enquiries; preparing for and attending inquest and helping people to access other, appropriate, local support services.
SOBS (Survivors of Suicide Bereavement)
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide exist to meet the needs and break the isolation experienced by those bereaved by suicide. They are a self-help organisation and we aim to provide a safe, confidential environment in which bereaved people can share their experiences and feelings, so giving and gaining support from each other. They also strive to improve public awareness and maintain contacts with many other statutory and voluntary organisations. They offer a unique and distinct service for bereaved adults across the UK, run by the bereaved for the bereaved. We currently help around 7000 people each year and we continue to grow in response to significant unmet demand. Barnsley now have a number of people who have been bereaved by suicide and trained to deliver support to others. But whilst restrictions are in place national support groups are been delivered online until social distancing measures are relaxed.
Children Young People & Families Bereavement Services- Compass
This service is a new pilot which will support CYP and families who have lost a loved one. The contract was awarded on the 5th of February to an organisation called COMPASS. They have also recently won a contract with the CCG for the new Mental Health Support Teams which has just gone live. The service will have a dedicated bereavement councillor integrated within the service which will have lots of added benefits not only to the CYP and families in receipt of the service but also the schools and support staff in the longer term. This will hopefully lend itself to the desired whole system school approach.
The interventions offered will be age appropriate and range from therapeutic interventions such as psychoeducation, Information & Advice, CBT informed and structured counselling as well as offering alternative holistic therapies such as reflexology, meditation, yoga, mindfulness and play therapy. The service will also be sighted on all relevant pathways and procedures such as CDOP and suspected suicides where children under 18 have been left behind. We know from out RTS that sadly 33 children were left behind last year from suspected suicide alone. Contact is due to commence from the 1st April 2021
Team Talk
Team Talk is a low-level mental health initiative where local men can meet, open up, take some time out and talk about issues in a relaxed, supportive environment. It offers a combined approach to mental health drawing together social activities and peer support in a football setting.
Weekly sessions, facilitated by our male coaches, will take place on an evening (to be decided) at our Indoor Training Facility at Oakwell Stadium, home of Barnsley Football Club. These sessions will be available to all men with pre-booking required through our website and will involve the following:
- An informal ‘safe space’ with facilities including our indoor AGP, pool, table tennis, darts, cards and computer games. Participants can take part in the different activities, socialise, take some time out and build new friendships.
- A separate “Chat Room” enabling peer-support where beneficiaries can open up and talk about their mental health. These sessions will enable beneficiaries to share their experiences, discuss concerns or anxieties, support one another and offer suggestions for self-care.
The project is on hold due to covid restrictions but people can register there interest for when social distancing measures relax. Kieron.campbell
Things to Live For (See attached resources)
When things in life are tough, your heads a mess and you’re on the edge, it’s time to make changes. ‘Things to Live For’ is a fresh project using art to refocus and reconnect. Don’t worry, you don’t need to be Banksy, it’s about open and honest conversations and meeting people that understand where you're at. We’ll go and see some Art, get inspired, and make something great.
Its a free 7 week course, half a day each week (town centre). The Course is led by an Art Therapist and Street Artist.
We are still open and taking new referrals. Calling or texting this number 078 3393 6019 is the first port of call for any individual wishing to access our service. We are currently doing short assessment calls and adding people to text lists for projects that will be starting/continuing post lockdown. During lockdown we are also offering ‘creative calls’. These are telephone interventions linking people who are struggling with experienced creative practitioners who will encourage people to get creative and offer informal support. This work is part commissioned through Barnsley Library’s ‘Reading Friends Initiative’. There is also an UPLIFT choir taking place on zoom every Thursday and various bits of creative well-being content we can direct folk to, who are able to get online.
I've attached an e-poster for 'Things to Live For' a new project aimed at people who are struggling with thoughts of suicide. We are keeping a waiting list for this project and offering phone support in the interim so please do send people our way.
Buddy Scheme
Creation of the Buddy System and community building, by paring Participants and Volunteers through shared hobbies, interests and activities (both current and aspired post Covid-19). Begin the process of generating stories.
Collect community-written narratives from Buddied pairs and whole community, to display them as an anthology of the people involved in the project. Relationships continue to build through engagement.
Development of new skills and interests and widening of community participation. Increase in cultural capital, development of interpersonal skills, and further engagement with additional, physical and face-to-face activities when possible.
For more information how to get involved Contact Ben Cross -