Mental Health
Our mental health medication review form is designed to ensure that we are following up with you about your mental health and your antidepressant medication on a regular basis. Please click the link to complete the form. You can email the completed form to us or you can hand it in to reception. Our email address can be found on the form.
Different people find different resources helpful so it is worth looking at a few of these to find what suits you. You may have been directed here after a GP consultation or if you have not and these pages don’t provide enough support, then book a GP appointment to discuss this further.
NHS Inform The first half of this page has useful information explaining about different mental health problems. The second half of the page has self help guides to work though.
Living Life to the Full teaches a range of life skills that are based on the tried and trusted CBT approach, aiming to improve wellbeing and resilience. There are a number of online modules to work though that require you to register with the website.
Every Mind Matters This has some practical tips on lifestyle to help improve mental wellbeing.
Excel At Life is a website that uses mindfulness techniques. Mindfulness in an approach this helps you refocus on the present when your brain is engaged with depressive or anxious thoughts. This link should take you to an audio recording to try but explore the website further for more information.
Grampian Psychological Resilience Hub This is for anyone who is struggling with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, affecting their psychological wellbeing. There is a self referral form and someone from the Hub will get back to you. There is also a contact numbers for more practical issues.
Togetherall is an online mental health community that is monitored by mental health professionals.
Distress Brief Intervention (DBI) is a service which provides support to people who are experiencing distress and feeling overwhelmed emotionally.
Specific to under 18
Young Minds This is a leading charity in young people's mental health and their website provides more specific information for this age group.
Kooth provides mental health support and online counselling specific to the 10-18 age group from a professional team of qualified councillors
Excell At Life is a website that uses mindfulness. Mindfulness helps you refocus on the present when your brain is thinking about worrying thoughts. This link should take you to voice recordings for children. There is a link in the section above which may be more useful for older teenagers.
If you are needing Immediate Input then phone the practice during opening hours or out with this time phone NHS24 on 111 or a support team like the Samaritans on 116123 or Breathing Space on 0800 838587.