Practice Policy on Guidance for the Shared Care prescribing requests following a Private ADHD Diagnosis

Dr Magennis, Barrett & Grant Practice Policy for Guidance on the management of Shared Care prescribing requests Following a self-funded assessment and diagnosis of ADHD by a private clinician


This guidance was written for patients seeking private diagnosis for ADHD, recognising the significant waiting lists for NHS review for this cohort of patients.  Due to a significant increase in demand nationally, the available NHS services for assessment of patients with suspected ADHD have significantly long waiting lists. The result of which is the proportion of this patient cohort seeking private assessment is significantly greater than patients seeking assessment for other conditions.

Patients electing to see a private specialist, should do so on the expectation that all recommended tests, procedures and prescribed medicines will be provided privately (not on the NHS). A recommendation from a private specialist for a medicine that is available on the NHS does not entitle the patient to NHS prescriptions for that medicine.

Recommendations from specialists for ongoing prescribing on the NHS need to be made at an NHS consultation with an NHS specialist. A GP is therefore under no obligation to provide an NHS prescription to a patient based on the recommendation of a private specialist.

Locally ADHD prescribing and monitoring is expected to be under a shared care agreement between a specialist and GP. We are unable to accept requests from a private clinic asking the patients’ GP to prescribe on-going medication under a shared care agreement.

Requests for on-going prescribing of ADHD medication will be refused, and the patient referred back to obtain supplies from their private specialist. It may be mutually agreeable for the GP to make a referral under the NHS to an NHS provider, however the patient would be required to join the waiting list in the same way as any other referred patient

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