Community Linking Project
The Community Linking Project is a joint venture between East Gateshead Locality GP Surgeries and Edberts House. The project supports patients to access appropriate services, activities and networks that can improve patient’s health and increase their sense of wellbeing.
Our Community Link Worker can act as an advocate for patients and accompany them to a range of local, non-medical sources of help. We work closely with other services to offer the best support for our patients. The aim is to:
Build confidence
Reduce isolation
Provide advocacy
Support/enable self-care
Refer/signpost/accompany to other local services.
Who is eligible for this service?
There is no exclusion criteria and we will work with anyone who is a patient at St Albans. Examples of patients supported so far are those who are:
Socially isolated
Struggling with debt or housing issues
Wanting to access training/volunteer/work opportunities
Older people with mobility issues
Patients suffering from depression
Case studies
Coming soon
Video link to Community link project
You can also follow the Community Linking Project on social media via or follow us on Twitter @CommLinkProject