When will I get my COVID-19 vaccine?
With news that the COVID-19 vaccine is being rolled out in the UK, many people are wondering when they or their loved ones will be offered a jab. Clearly, vaccinating the majority of adults in a country whose population is over 60 million will take time, so the Government has chosen certain priority groups to receive the vaccination first.
Click the link below for more information;
Self Referral for Coronavirus Testing (NI)

Everyone in Northern Ireland with symptoms of COVID-19 is eligible for a free test.
The symptoms of COVID-19 are:
- a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature); OR
- a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual); OR
- a loss of or change in sense of smell or taste.
You should get tested in the first three days of coronavirus symptoms appearing, although testing is considered effective up until day five.
Medical Advice -Coronavirus

Information based on the latest evidence regarding Covid-19 produced by the UK government. For patients/parents/carers
Advice for Employers/Employee's- Northern Ireland Specific

If you require medical evidence for self isolation or home working, please print off the Covid letter above- we are not issuing individualized letters as per current government guidelines.
Link to HMRC Self Certification

HMRC Form SC2- for self certification. Also see link for specific NHS 111 Isolation note. A more detailed letter from the surgery is available as above should further documentation be required.
NHS 111 Isolation Note

If you require an isolation note- follow this link to apply via NHS 111
Information On Prescriptions

We are producing prescriptions in line with our current practices. We are NOT issuing early in order to ensure a steady medicines supply throughout the province as per the Guidelines given to us from the Health and Social Care Board. Patients will be asked to nominate a pharmacy for collection as we are minimising footfall through the surgery. This is a temporary measure in light of the current pandemic and as soon as possible, patients will be invited back to collect their own prescription where desired.
Information On Appointments

All Routine Appointments have been suspended. GP appointments will be initially screened by reception staff. Please expect a phone call from the GP. This is to minimise the risk of spread of Coronavirus in line with the UK Government guidelines. We may offer a video consultation in certain circumstances where we feel it necessary to see remotely.
If you require to speak to a GP regarding a routine query please speak to a receptionist to book a routine telephone appointment. These can be booked 2-3days in advance.
If you have an urgent query and need to speak to the GP on the day please call the surgery between 8.30am and 10.30am and a GP will call you back.
During these times our reception staff will do their best to deal with your queries but you may be asked to call back the following week to speak to a GP.
We appreciate your co-operation and patience during these times.
Coronavirus 'Sex-Plained'
Can I get Coronavirus from having sex?
Click here for more information..
The Public Health Agency has launched a new public information campaign Test Trace Protect.
The campaign aims to raise awareness of the symptoms of Coronavirus and encourage individuals who are symptomatic to follow the appropriate steps including:
- Booking a test quickly
- Helping with contact tracing
- Self-isolating when advised
Further advice and information can be found here :
From 10 July 2020, it’s the law that passengers and staff on public transport MUST wear a face covering:
• on bus, coach and train services
• in public transport stations
• in indoor areas of a ferry and outdoor areas where you can’t keep two metres social distance
Although face coverings may not prevent you from becoming infected with the virus, they help prevent people who don’t know they have the virus spreading it to others.
A cloth face covering should cover your mouth and nose while allowing you to breathe comfortably.
It can be as simple as a scarf or bandana that ties behind the head.
🤚 Wash your hands or use hand sanitiser before putting it on and after taking it off.
👁 Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth at all times and store used face coverings in a plastic bag until you have an opportunity to wash them.
❌ Do not touch the front of the face covering, or the part of the face covering that has been in contact with your mouth and nose.
Once removed, make sure you clean any surfaces the face covering has touched.
You should wash a face covering regularly. It can go in with other laundry, using your normal detergent. When wearing a face covering, take care to tuck away any loose ends.
😷 Further information on making a face covering can be found here
👉 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/how-to-wear-and-make-a-cloth-face-covering/how-to-wear-and-make-a-cloth-face-covering
Face coverings: when to wear one & exemptions...
COVID-19 Advice for parents
Symptoms to look out for and when to contact your GP Schools are back and the winter season is ahead of us. Every year, schoolchildren get colds, flu and other infections. This time, coronavirus (COVID-19) is with us. Click the link below for a guide on what symptoms to look out for and what to do if your child is unwell.
If your child does not have symptoms of COVID-19 but has other cold-like symptoms such as a runny nose, they do not need to be tested and they or members of your household do not need to self-isolate. Your child can attend school if fit to do so.