Better Health

Kickstart your health

Healthy changes start with little changes. Whether you want to lose weight, get active or quit smoking, Better Health is here with lots of free tools and support.

You can also find simple ways to lift your mood with Every Mind Matters.

There has never been a better time to kickstart your health. Let's do this!

Lose Weight

Losing weight is not about getting it right - it's about getting started. Making small, simple changes can really help you shed the pounds. Get started today with these tips, support and special offers.  

Lose weight - Better Health - NHS ( the free NHS weight loss plan      

Download the free NHS weight loss plan to help you start healthier

eating habits, be more active, and start losing weight.       

The plan is broken down into 12 weeks so you can:

  • set weight loss goals
  • use the BMI calculator to customise your plan
  • plan your meals
  • make healthier food choices
  • get more active and burn more calories
  • record your activity and progress

Don't worry, the app makes it easy for you – just take it one week at a time.

Let's make "one day" today!

Get Active 

No matter how active you are, physical activity is good for the body and mind. Aim to be active every day, the more you do the better you'll feel. Try these tips, tools and special offers to get active and move more. 

Get active - Better Health - NHS (

  Couch to 5K   

   A running programme for absolute beginners. Couch to 5K has now helped more than 4 million people start running.

The app:

  • has a choice of 5 trainers to motivate you
  • works with your music player
  • tracks your runs
  • connects you with other Couch to 5K runners

Couch to 5K can be completed in as little as 9 weeks, or longer if you want to go at your own pace.

Active 10

The Active 10 app records every minute of walking you do (anonymously). Just pop your phone in your pocket and away you go!

The app:

  • tracks your steps
  • helps you set goals
  • shows you your achievements
  • gives you tips to boost your activity

Did you know walking briskly, even for 1 minute, counts as exercise? What are you waiting for - take your first steps today!

Quit Smoking 

Smoking weakens our lungs make makes it harder to breathe. Try these free tips and tools available and join millions who have successfully stopped smoking. 

Quit smoking - Better Heath - NHS (

Stopping smoking is one of the best things you will ever do for your health.

When you stop, you give your lungs the chance to repair and you will be able to breathe easier. There are lots of other benefits too – and they start almost immediately.

It's never too late to quit. Let's do this!

Download the free NHS Smokefree app

Download the free NHS Smokefree app to help you quit smoking and start

breathing easier.  

The app allows you to:

  • track your progress
  • see how much you're saving
  • get daily support

If you can make it to 28 days smoke-free, you're 5 times more likely to quit for good!

Ways to quit

Many people try to quit smoking with willpower alone, but it's much easier with the right help.

There are lots of support options available, try a combination that works for you.

Get a free Personal Quit Plan

Quitting smoking is easier with the right support. Give up for 28 days, and you're 5 times more likely to quit for good – get your plan now!

Free Personal Quit Plan - Quit Smoking - NHS (

To get support and make an appointment at your local stop smoking clinic, call free on 0800 328 6297. 

What happens when you quit?

The sooner you quit, the sooner you'll notice changes to your body and health. Look at what happens when you quit for good.

After 20 minutes

Check your pulse rate, it will already be starting to return to normal.

After 8 hours

Your oxygen levels are recovering, and the harmful carbon monoxide level in your blood will have reduced by half.

After 48 hours

All carbon monoxide is flushed out. Your lungs are clearing out mucus and your senses of taste and smell are improving.

After 72 hours

If you notice that breathing feels easier, it's because your bronchial tubes have started to relax. Also your energy will be increasing.

After 2 to 12 weeks

Blood will be pumping through to your heart and muscles much better because your circulation will have improved.

After 3 to 9 months

Any coughs, wheezing or breathing problems will be improving as your lung function increases by up to 10%.

After 1 year

Great news! Your risk of heart attack will have halved compared with a smoker's.

After 10 years

More great news! Your risk of death from lung cancer will have halved compared with a smoker's.

Drink Less

Drinking less can help you feel a bit better every day - and it's easier to make a change than you think. Here are some simple tips to help you start cutting down today. 

Drink less - Better Health - NHS (

Cutting back on the booze can be a really effective way to improve your health, boost your energy, lose weight and save money.

Any reduction in the amount you drink every week will be beneficial – and with the right support, it's easier than you think.

Download the Drink Free Days app

Feel healthier, lose weight and save money by picking your days to go drink-free.   

One simple way to cut down is to have at least a few drink-free days every week,Screens from the Drink Free Days app. Screen 1: "red, orange, green" rating for alcohol intake. Screen 2: a motivational message for achieving 5 drink-free days so choose yours and get practical support to stick with it.

With the app you can:

  • update and track your drink-free days
  • get simple and practical tips to help you control your drinking
  • receive reminders when you need it most
  • celebrate milestones when you reach your targets

Tips to help you cut down on alcohol

You do not necessarily need to go teetotal to feel the benefits of drinking less.

Even just setting and sticking to a few drink-free days a week, or swapping to lower-strength drinks,

are great steps in the right direction.

Here are some practical things you can try to help you cut back.

1. Have a game plan

Use the Drink Free Days app to set yourself a weekly unit target and stick to it. But if one week you do go over your limit, don't stop trying – next week is a fresh start.

2. Switch from stronger stuff

Choose drinks that that are lower in alcohol. Try lighter beers – under 4% ABV. As a rule of thumb, white and rosé wines are lower in strength than reds. Or try swapping some or all of your drinks for no or low-alcohol alternatives.

3. Stick with it!

It might take a bit of time to get used to the change from your usual choices, so if you notice a difference in taste with lower-strength drinks, do not give up! There are so many options, it's likely there's one out there for you – and switching means you can enjoy the health benefits of drinking less without losing your social life.

4. Shake up your social plans

Going for drinks is not the only way to see friends. You could watch a film, meet up for breakfast, grab a coffee and go for a walk, go bowling, head to the gym or sign up for a class to do together, for instance.

5. Set a booze budget

Sticking to a budgeted amount for alcohol can be a good way to drink less. If you are going out, try taking only the exact cash, or set up a spending alert on your card.

6. Write off the rounds

Being involved in rounds makes it easy to end up drinking more than you meant. Try to avoid them if you can, and do not feel like you have to say yes to a drink just because someone else is buying. There's always next time.

7. Only wine and dine

Waiting for your evening meal before you have a drink – and having your first only once you've started eating – is another simple way to help you cut down.

8. Beat boredom

If a drink is a way you handle boredom or stress, try finding something else to do instead. Exercise is a great stress reliever, and simple things like cleaning, a new hobby or DIY can be a good way to occupy mind and body.

The information on this page has been sourced from Better Health - NHS (

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