Training Practice

GP Training / Registrars

GP Registrars

This is a teaching practice and we have GP  Registrars attached to the General Practice as part of their training.  These doctors hold surgeries, and make home visits.  The practice is committed to support and train GP registrars to become safe, caring , competent and enthusiastic general practitioners. 

The GP registrars are fully registered with the General Medical Council and have several years post graduate experience. 

The GP's supervise the Registrar and are available for advice immediately if necessary.  The practice trainer is Dr Georgina Butler.

Medical Students

From time to time a medical student may accompany one of the doctors, your help in allowing them to listen and learn would be much appreciated, but you will always be asked if this is acceptable to you.  

Students are sometimes asked to interview patients themselves. Again your help with this would be greatly appreciated, but there is no problem whatsoever if you would prefer not to be involved, Please note medical students do have access to medical records and are bound under the NHS code of of conduct around confidentiality.

Video Consultations

Clinicians may sometimes record patient consultations, this is important part of their medical teaching/training.  The recording will not take place without the patient's consent. The recording is confidential and will not be shown to anyone other than the Doctor you had your consultation with and their supervisor.

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