Your Information
PGP Children's Privacy Information Leaflet
Privacy Notice Patients
Access to Patient Information
Data is handled with complete discretion and in accordance with the new GDPR rules. Details of how we handle data can be found here for adults and here for children. Information is only passed to authorised third parties and with patients' informed consent, where necessary in writing. You will also be asked for a password for security purposes.
Peel Group Practice aims to give a friendly and professional service to all our patients. If you are unhappy about something Peel Group Practice has done, has failed to do or a decision they have made, please bring your concern to the attention of any member of staff. Our staff will try to resolve the matter if they can, or refer it to someone better able to help. If you have any complaints about any part of our service, please address them to our Operations Manager. You can email your complaint to peelmgt@gov.im, send it by post or talk to us face to face or on the telephone.
Manx Care Advice and Liaison Service
If you don’t wish to contact the practice or you are unhappy about something to do with Manx Care, you can contact the Manx Care Advice and Liaison Service (MCALS) and they will be able to help you. MCALS can offer support when you want to tell Manx Care about a concern, but don't want to make a complaint. MCALS are able to signpost possible sources of support, depending on the nature of your complaint.
Manx Care Advice and Liaison Service
Telephone: (01624) 642642
Email: MCALS@gov.im
Website: www.manxcare.im
Complaint receipt and acknowledgment
Once we have received your complaint, we will send you an acknowledgement letter within five working days offering you a face to face meeting to discuss your complaint.
Formal investigation
We will provide you with a written response (by letter or email, whichever is preferred) within 20 working days of our receipt of your complaint. This response may be a final outcome letter or it may be an update letter, detailing progress to date with an indication of when the investigation may be concluded. We will endeavour to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible; however in the event the complaint exceeds six months you will be notified of your right to escalate your complaint for independent review by the Health and Social Care Ombudsman Body.
What if I am not happy with my response?
If you are not happy with the response that you receive, or you have not received a response within six months, you have the option to refer your complaint to the Health and Social Care Ombudsman Body (HSCOB) for independent review.
The HSCOB will review your complaint and make a final decision about it. You can request a review by the HSCOB up to 12 months after the date on which you became aware of the matter alleged in the complaint, or up to six months after a decision in writing has been issued: whichever is later.
The HSCOB can be contacted at
Health and Social Care Ombudsman Body
IM99 1UT
Email: HSCOB@gov.im
If you wish to make a suggestion on how we can improve our service please post a note in the suggestion box in reception.
Rights & Responsibilities
Patients have a right to courtesy, privacy and confidentiality. You can help us by
- Being on time for your appointment.
- Letting us know if you need to cancel. Defaulting attendance at appointments wastes time and adds to the patient's waiting list. It is discourteous and increases the suffering of others.
- Telephoning for an emergency appointment as soon after 8am as possible.
- Telephoning for a home visit before 10am.
- Prescription requests should be made in writing 48 hours before they are required.
- Your doctor may be called out on an emergency and you will be informed of any undue delay. You may wait or reschedule your appointment, and your understanding in this matter is much appreciated.
Violent or Abusive Patients
We aim to treat our patients courteously at all times and expect our patients to treat our staff in a similarly respectful way. We take seriously any threatening, abusive or violent behaviour against any of our staff or patients. If a patient is violent or abusive, they will be warned to stop their behaviour. If they persist, we may exercise our right to take action to have them removed, immediately if necessary, from our list of patients and they may be reported to the Police.