
We welcome your comments and feedback, either in person or in writing about the services which you receive. We do try to provide you with the best service possible and hope that you will find the services we offer convenient, accessible and relevant to your needs.
However we realise that on occasion you may not feel this has happened. In that event should you have any complaints, criticisms or constructive suggestions please do feel free to contact Dr Cyril Graham regarding any clinical problems or Mrs Helen Hazelton regarding any non-clinical problems. They will be only too happy to discuss the matter with you as we would wish to minimise the risk of future occurrences.
In the event of you feeling unable to raise your concern with us you may contact: The Complaints Manager, HSCB, 15 Gransha Park, Clooney Road, Londonderry BT47 1TG.
The Practice complies fully with the Complaints System introduced on 1st April 2009 and leaflets giving information about this are available on application at the reception desk. Needless to say, words of praise are also welcome!
The Patients Charter
The Government has given the Health Service quality standards which are the rights of all patients. We are in agreement with these and would seek your co-operation in helping us to achieve them by asking that:
- You treat GPs and staff with courtesy.
- You are punctual for appointments.
- You remember that an appointment is for one patient only.
- You give the receptionist notice if you are unable to attend.
- You are patient if the doctor is running late.
- You do not contact the duty Doctor out-of-hours unless it is an emergency that cannot wait until morning.
- If you have any complaints about our service, you don't tell others you tell us.
Zero Tolerance
We operate a zero tolerance policy on violent or abusive behaviour towards the practices doctors, nursing and clerical staff either on the practice premises or in the place where treatment is provided. In the event of a patient displaying such behaviour, action taken will include calling upon the assistance of the Northern Ireland Police Service and advising the Business Services Organisation in Belfast that for reason stated the patient will be removed from our practice list forthwith.
All information which the practice holds about you either in writing or on computer is covered by the Data Protection Acts and Freedom of Information Act.
Change of Personal Details
If you change your name, address or telephone number please let us know at reception as soon as possible.
Primary Medical Services in Western Area
Details of Primary Medical Services available within Western Health and Social Services Board Area may be obtained by writing to the Director of Primary Care, Western Health and Social Services Board Headquarters, I 5 Gransha Park, Clooney Road, Londonderry BT47 1TG. Telephone 0300 555 0115.