Comments & Complaints

Patients with suggestions, complaints or compliments to make regarding the Practice may write in the first instance to the Practice Manager. NHS Lothian conducts an annual survey of our patients’ experience of our service. We are grateful for patient participation and welcome constructive suggestions for improvements.
Individual patient information is treated as strictly confidential, and may not be legally accessed by any parties without specific knowledge and consent of the patient. The Practice fully conforms to the requirements of the Data Protection Legislation and Freedom of Information Act (2004). NHS 24 has access to a minimal clinical dataset in the interests of continuity of care out of hours.
GP Data Protection Notice - Nov 24
We would like to reassure our patients that the proposed extraction of GP data by NHS Digital does NOT include any patients registered with this Practice or in NHS Scotland. NHS Digital provide services in England so are not able to access any data held in Scotland. You are not required to opt out as your data is already safe. We take patient confidentiality extremely seriously and safeguards are in place to protect this, including when data is used for research.
Further information on how NHS Scotland handles your personal information is on the NHS Inform website: How the NHS handles your personal health information - NHS Inform
Rights & Responsibilities
We aim to treat our patients courteously at all times and expect our patients to treat our staff in a similarly respectful way. We take seriously any threatening, abusive, or violent behaviour against any of our staff or patients. Anyone acting in such a manner will be de-registered from the Practice.
Access to Medical Records
Access to Health Records Information Leaflet
Access to Medical Records Application Form