How we use your information
Medical confidentiality is the cornerstone of trust between doctor and patient and we keep your records secure and confidential.
For your direct care either from the practice or within the NHS hospital service we imply your consent to pass on relevant clinical information to other professional staff involved in your direct care.
Only when there is a legal basis for the transfer of data, we may pass limited and relevant information to other NHS organisations to improve the efficient management of the NHS or to aid medical research. Please read our Privacy Notice - Patients and Carers (in Welsh) (in English) which is also on display in our reception area. Click here for Children and Young People Privacy Information (in Welsh) (in English). Click the following for Your Privacy Your Rights - English leaflet - Welsh leaflet.
Privacy Notice for Covid Vaccination - English Welsh
Privacy Notice AccuRx
If you wish to object to the use of your data for these “secondary” uses please speak to: Ms Karen Owen, our Practice Manager.
Access to your Medical Records (Subject Access Request (SAR))
If you wish to access your medical records held at the Surgery, we suggest, in the first instance, that you discuss your wish with your usual doctor - he or she may be able to tell you the information you wish to know without you having to request a copy of your notes.
If you do not wish to discuss your request with your doctor please contact Ms Charlotte Campion or Mrs Nia Roberts on 01492 515787 so that they can help you further.
Please read our Subject Access Request Leaflet for more information about how to make a Subject Access Request and print off the required consent form.
If your enquiry is with regard to your hospital records you will need to discuss this further with the Access to Medical Records officer at the hospital who will help you further.
Please note that the practice adheres to GDPR principles, to the principles of Caldicott Guardianship, to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and to the Mental Capacity Act 2005. The practice has CCTV, with a CCTV policy that adheres to data protection principles.
The Welsh GP Record
Click here for an explanation of the Welsh GP Record
Raising a Concern
We make every effort to give the best service possible to everyone who attends our practice. However, we are aware that things can go wrong resulting in a patient feeling that they have a genuine cause for raising a concern. If this is so, we would wish for the matter to be settled as quickly, and as amicably, as possible.
If you would like to raise a concern, you should either arrange telephone, write to, or arrange an appointment with Ms Karen Owen (Practice Manager) at Cadwgan Surgery, 11 Bodelwyddan Avenue, Old Colwyn, Conwy, LL29 9NP. Alternatively, if the above methods are not convernient, a member of staff help you raise your concern with Ms Karen Owen by means of e-mail.
If necessary we will help you write down your concern. Alternatively, you can ask an friend or relative to write on your behalf, but they must include your signed consent if there is a need to look at your medical records in order to address your concern.
Please tell us in as much detail as possible about what has gone wrong, and what you would like to be done.
If you would like to receive more information about our process for dealing with concerns, please contact the Practice Manager or click here (English) or here (Welsh) to read the surgery's 'Putting Things Right' policy. You may also want to click here for more resources about 'Putting Things Right'.
We would also like to hear from patients when we have done a particularly good job!
Repeat Prescription Statement
Click here to see our repeat prescription statement, and here for the Welsh version.
Violence Policy
The practice does not tolerate abusive or violent behaviour towards any member of its staff by patients, and such behaviour will result in the you being deregistered and being asked to contact Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board.
Freedom of Information
Information about the General Practioners and the practice required for disclosure under this act can be made available to the public. All requests for such information should be made to the practice manager. Please click here for a copy of our Publication Scheme, or here for activity data.