Seasonal Flu Vaccine for patients
aged 50 - 64
Clinic date:
Monday 27th Jan 2025
Appointments can be booked on line or by contacting reception.
See below for further information on eligible patients for this year.
Influenza – flu – is a highly infectious and potentially serious illness caused by influenza viruses. Each year the make-up of the seasonal flu vaccine is designed to protect against the influenza viruses that the World Heal
th Organization decide are most likely to be circulating in the coming winter.
Regular immunisation (vaccination) is given free of charge to the following at-risk people, to protect them from seasonal flu:
- people aged 65 or over,
- people with a serious medical conditions (COPD, Asthma, Heart Conditions, Chronic Liver Disease, Chronic Kidney Disease, Diabetes)
- if you are pregnant
- people living in a residential or nursing home
- the main carers for an elderly or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if the carer becomes ill
For more information on flu immunisation, including background information on the vaccine and how you can get the jab, see Seasonal flu jab.
HPA - Season Flu Guide
RCGP & RPS Joint Statement on Flu Vaccines
Seasonal Flu guide
These links all come from trusted resources but if you are unsure about these or any other medical matters please contact your doctor or pharmacist for advice.