Travel Vaccines Price List

A consultation fee is payable on the first visit: €60 per person/€90 per couple seen at the same time.

€100 per family group ( up to 2 adults and 2 children)


A selection of more common vaccines. Other prices on request.

Yellow Fever                                       €45

Tetanus/Diphteria                               €20( GMS free )

Tetanus/Diphteria/Polio                       €40

Typhoid                                              €35

Hepatitis A                                         €50 per injection

Hepatitis A & B                                   €45 per injection

Hepatitis B(Course of 3 injections)       €35 per injection

Hepatitis A and Typhoid                      €70 per injection

Varicella (Chickenpox)                        €75 per injection

Shingles Vaccine (Zostavax)                €215 

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