I think I need emergency contraception (morning after pill)

Emergency contraception was previously known as "The morning after pill", this term is not longer used because it's not accurate. Emergency contraception can be used up to 5 days after sex, but it's more effective the sooner you take it.

If you have had unprotected sex, that is, sex without using contraception, or think your contraception might have failed, you can use emergency contraception.


There are different types of emergency contraception:
  • the emergency contraceptive pill, Levonelle
  • the emergency contraceptive pill, EllaOne
  • the emergency intrauterine device (IUD)


Emergency contraception can be very effective especially if you have an IUD fitted or if the emergency contraceptive pill is taken soon after sex.


Emergency contraception is available from;

  • GP practices (Mon - Fri)
  • Boots the chemist, Kirkwall (9am - 5pm, Mon - Sat)
  • WHB Sutherlands, Stromness and Kirkwall (9am - 5pm, Mon - Sat)
  • Norsepharm Limited, Dounby (9am - 5 pm, Mon - Fri, 10am - 1pm, Sat)
  • Outpatients Department, Balfour Hospital, Kirkwall (24 hours per day, 7 days per week)
  • Nordhaven Clinic, Health Centre, Kirkwall (9am - 5pm, Mon - Fri)


For more detailed information, please visit:

Emergency Contraception


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