Social Prescribing – linking you to support within the local community
How can Social Prescribing help you?
My name is Lorraine Harper and I am Mortimer Surgery’s Social Prescriber. If you are referred for an appointment, I can give you individual time to focus on what matters to you, taking a holistic approach to your health and wellbeing.
You might be:
- feeling stressed or lonely:
- needing to get back to regular exercise:
- worried about benefits or paying your bills:
- lacking the confidence to go out on your own:
- caring for a loved one who is in failing health or has a disability
Your health and wellbeing can be affected by a range of social, economic and environmental factors. Social Prescribing seeks to address people’s needs by linking to a range of local, non-clinical service, such as support groups, advice agencies, physical activities, one to one support etc. provided by the voluntary and community sector and statutory agencies. I can give you information about local activities, groups, benefits advice, befriending, volunteering, healthy eating advice and much more.
How can you get a referral?
- You can talk to your GP or other health care professional who may suggest a referral
- You can ask the receptionists to book an appointment with me
What can you expect?
Most appointments are by telephone, and I can give you a 30 minute appointment to talk through your situation and what you think will most help improve your wellbeing. I can often give you information about groups etc. during that initial appointment. And I can refer you for other support such as befriending, lunch clubs and other activities.
I may follow up with additional information once I have researched support to meet your needs.
I will usually follow up with another call a couple of weeks later to find out how you are getting on and if I can help further.