Minutes of Meeting Held On 2nd May 2024
Present: Dr Z Madlom GP Partner
Rosie Walker (Practice Manager)
Suzanne Pattison (Assistant Practice Manager)
Kathryn Clarke (Reception Supervisor)
Carl Bassindale
Elaine Bassindale
Jo Wright
Introductions were made. Rosie was introduced as the new Practice Manager.
KC explained that Regent Square Group Practice (RSGP) had previously had a Patient Participation Group (PPG) but that we were now trying to resurrect and expand the group. It was explained that the objective of the PPG is to work together to help RSGP to be as effective as possible and provide the highest possible standard of Primary Care. It is not a forum for individual complaints.
Approval of Constitution
All present agreed to the content of the constitution and agreed that the PPG would meet 4 times a year.
All patient members gave consent for their names and e-mail addresses to be added to the RSGP website.
Election of Chairperson
The group was asked if anyone would like to be Chairperson. CB volunteered as has previous experience of chairing groups. CB also offered to do the minutes of future meetings if required.
Other Business
Dr Madlom asked for the group’s opinions and experiences of RSGP. All members expressed positive feedback.
JW said that it was hard work trying to make an appointment due to the length of the call queue.
SP explained that the surgery are looking at having a call back system in place by October . This will enable patients to leave a message instead of waiting in the queue. A member of staff will then contact them back. She also explained that there are several other ways of contacting the surgery to request appointments or other information, such as e-mail, NHS app, or the text message system (the link for which is on the website).
JW asked if this information could be circulated again via text message to make patients aware.
Next Meeting: Thursday 1st August 2024