
Manor Park surgery will be welcoming 2 new GPs who will be starting in the next few weeks, Dr Lauren Howell and Dr Yan Raines. 

Useful Telephone Numbers

Action For Change (alcohol misuse advice) 01323 419696

Adult Protection Team 01323 414147

Age Concern 01323 638474

Avenue House 01323 440022

Care For The Carers 01323 738390

Citizens Advice Bureau (Eastbourne) 01323 417177

CAB Hailsham Polegate Extension 01323 842336

Community Drugs Team 01323 749567

DAIS (drugs and alcohol help and advice) 01323 416608

Eastbourne Community Mediation Service 01323 413487

Eastbourne District General Hospital 01323 417400

Eastbourne Voluntary Services 01323 639373

Esperance Hospital (Private) 01323 410929

Lifeline 01323 644422

NHS Direct   0845 4647

Open Door…(support, information & 01323 725155 or counselling for 13-25 yr olds) 01323 738853

Police Station (Local) 08456 070999

Primary Care Support Services 01273 485300

Relate 01323 410001

Refuge 01323 511100

Refuge’s 24h Domestic Violence Helpline 0870 5995443

Samaritans 01323 735555

Sexual Health Clinic – Eastbourne 01323 444166

Sexual Health Clinic – Hailsham 01323 446984

Social Care Direct 08456 080191

St Wilfrid’s Hospice 01323 644500

Terence Higgins Trust 01323 649927

Call 111 when you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergencyNHS ChoicesThis site is brought to you by My Surgery Website