Social Services Department | 01847 893442 |
Community Nurse / Health Visitor | 01847 893442 |
Dunbar Hospital | 01847 893263 |
Caithness General Hospital | 01955 605050 |
Chiropodist | 01847 893442 |
Optician (G A Henderson) | 01847 896122 |
Caithness Community Care Forum | 01955 609962 |
Crossroads | 01847 895483 |
Citizens Advice Bureau | 01847 894243 |
Chest, Heart & Stroke, Scotland (Volunteer Stroke Service) | 01847 896493 |
Alcoholics Anonymous | 01847 892177 |
The Couthie Corner, Bayview House | 01847 892152 |
Caithness General Hospital Patients Council | 01955 880352 |
The Samaritans (www.samaritans.org) | 01847 895656 |
Alzheimer's Society | 01847 892152 08088 083000 |
Listening Ear (www.listeningearcaithness.org)
| 07529 248763 |
The Scottish Bowel Screening Programme | 08000 121833 |
The Scottish Breast Screening Programme | 01463 705416 |
Parentline Scotland | 08000 282233 |
Children in the Highlands Information Point | 01463 711189 |
Fostering Service | 01463 703431 |
Marriage Counselling, Highland | 01463 712210 |
Arthritis Care | 0141 9547776 |
Age Concern | 08001 692081 |
Lets Get On With It Together (http://www.lgowit.org/) | 01349807061 |