
Dr Broughton

After 36 years, Dr Broughton is finally leaving the Cliff Villages Team.

Having retired as a partner, some five years ago, he stayed on as a salaried GP but has now decided the time has come to hang up his CVMP stethoscope.

His last day with us will be Wednesday 7th August and if anyone would like to leave him a card, we will gather them at reception and present them to him at the end of September when the team finally says goodbye to him.

He will be sorely missed and we all, here at the Practice, wish him all the best for the future.

Temporary Pause on Medicals

We regret to announce that due to the recent retirement of Dr McLoughlin and whilst we are in the process of inducting our new GPs, we have had no choice but to put a temporary pause on occupational and leisure related medical assessments. At present, we are hoping to begin providing these again from the beginning of June but this is still subject to change.

We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience this will cause, and recommend that anyone who needs a Medical of this nature during this timeframe seeks them out through a private hospital or other organisation. Thank you for your understanding.

Pharmacy First Initiative

For additional support in the community, ASDA pharmacy in North Hykeham have confirmed they can provide the following services and treatments:

Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections - non-pregnant women 16-14 years old

Shingles - 18 years old and over

Sore throat - 5 years old and over

Otitis media (ear infection) - 1-17 years old

Sinusitis - 12 years and over

Impetigo - 1 year old and over

Infected insect bites - 1 year old and over

Zero Tolerance

We operate a Zero Tolerance Policy with regard to abuse or violence towards our staff. We reserve the right to remove abusive or violent patients from the Practice List.

At this time, appointments to see our GPs or Nurse Practitioners regarding long term or ongoing issues can be arranged by calling us and booking a telephone appointment with a clinician of your choice. If the clinician you speak with wishes to see you face to face they will arrange this themselves as a follow-up.

Urgent Appointments
If you need an urgent appointment, please make use of our triage clinics, which are open from 08.00 to 11.00, and 14.00 to 16.00 every Monday to Friday. You will be asked for your telephone number and a brief description of your problem, and the on-call clinician will telephone you back to discuss your problem. If an appointment is then necessary, they will be happy to make one for you with the most appropriate person.

An ‘on the day’ appointment will not necessarily be with the doctor of your choice.

Please remember that appointments with both Doctors and nurses are limited.

Help us to help you

Please try to attend your appointment on time. If you are more than 10 minutes late the doctor/nurse may not be able to see you.

  • If you cannot attend your appointment please cancel it with as much notice as possible. You can do this out of hours if you need to by phoning the main surgery line, selecting the cancel appointment option and following the instructions given.
  • Please be patient, the doctor tries to keep to time but never knows what the morning or afternoon may bring.
  • Please try to avoid bringing lists of problems to one appointment.
  • Keep in mind patients cannot share an appointment, and must be seen seperately.
  • Your appointment time is only designed for the doctor to deal with one or two problems.
  • Where possible, if you require repeat prescriptions please ask for them at reception and not during the consultation.

Do you really need an appointment?

Sometimes there are alternatives to actually seeing the doctor, some nore convenient and faster, saving both you and the doctor time.  Here are some examples:

Repeat Prescription


Ask at Reception

Sickness Certificates


Ask at Reception

Brief discussion with the Doctor


Ask to speak to a Doctor on the phone.

Simple occasional attack of Cystitis


Ask at reception, Doctor will advise on treatment.

Blood Pressure Check


Appointment with Health Care Assistant

Booking with a Nurse Practitioner

In addition to appointments with Doctors and Nurses, our surgery offers clinics with a Nurse Practitioner.

Nurse Practitioners are different from Nurses in that they can refer and prescribem and have received a higher level of general training. A Nurse Practitioner can help in many of the same ways a GP can, and almost always have routine appointments available sooner. If you feel you need to see a GP, and your problem doesn't fall into one of the following categories, consider asking to see one of our Nurse Practitioners.

Nurse Practitioners cannot treat for:

  • Pregnancies
  • Infants under 1 year of age
  • New mental health problems
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