Advanced Nurse Practitioner Appointments

A wide range of healthcare issues can be dealt with by our Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Elizabeth Melvin, Elaine McSwan, Alicia Miller and Kerry Noble.
All Advanced Nurse Practitioners can deal with a wide range of minor illnesses, but our Advanced Nurse Practitioners can deal with a far wider range of health issues and they are all prescribers. The ANPs work closely with the GPs who can be called upon should the ANP believe that is necessary.
Our ANPs all have different areas of expertise, so our administration staff have been trained what questions they need to ask patients at the time of booking, to make sure your appointment is allocated to the correct member of staff.
Elizabeth Melvin specialises in Paediatrics, having many years experience in a hospital environment advising and treating children of all ages.
Alicia Miller is qualified to advise and treat patients on a wide range of healthcare issues. She is experienced in chronic disease management and contraception including emergency contraception.
Elaine McSwan joined our ANP team in 2019. She worked in cardiology and neurology before moving over to the community and General Practice Nursing. Her experience and post grad qualifications allow her to advise and treat patients on a wide range of healthcare issues.
Kerry Noble, who you will know as our Senior Practice Nurse has been an Independent Prescriber for some years. She is still training as an ANP and is currently expanding the range of minor illnesses she can assess and treat.
Alternatively you may be able to use the Minor Ailment Service or Pharmacy First Service* available at your pharmacist for advice and free treatment. Please select the tab above for more information on Minor Ailment Service.
*Pharmacy First - is a service where community pharmacies will see and treat various common conditions. A list of Fife Pharmacies and the services they offer is found here -