
Manor Park surgery will be welcoming 2 new GPs who will be starting in the next few weeks, Dr Lauren Howell and Dr Yan Raines. 

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CQC Inspection January 2017

We would like to confirm our latest inspection report has now been published and we have been given a GOOD rating in all accountable areas of care and management.

The GP Partners are very pleased with this outcome and would like to extend a big thank you to all the patients and staff that have made this possible, it was very much a team effort.

We look forward to a continued caring and successful future with you all.

Please feel free to read the report which is available in the link on the right hand side of this page: Further Information: Care Quality Commission.

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Have your say - join our Patient Participation Group Fit Note Data

We have been informed that the extraction of information held on the Fit Note is intended to allow the DWP to collect data on fit note usage in order to inform policy development and evaluate the Fit for Work service and that the data used will be fully anonymised.

Proposed New Medical Centre As you may be aware we are hoping to have a new Medical Centre built in Polegate that will better serve the residents in their health and wellbeing needs.

We are currently at the very beginning of the process and hope to be able to submit some building plans to Wealden District Council within the next 4 months. With some luck we are looking to open the new building December 2023.

New Bookcase at Manor Park Surgery, £1 books for sale: book donations needed.

We have introduced a bookcase in the waiting room where all books are available for £1. The proceeds will be reinvested into patient care buying additional equipment that would normally not be available. To keep this resource going in the long term, please can you donate any unwanted books and ask family and friends to do the same. Many thanks for all your support, it is much appreciated.

Annual Carers' Event

Together with Carers’ Voices Network we are inviting you to enjoy a day at a beautiful hotel, hear from national and local speakers, visit Market Place
to see what’s available for carers, discuss issues that matter with the decision-makers who can make a difference. 

Please book your FREE place HERE

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