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Welcome to the Craigvinean Surgery Website!

We hope you enjoy having a look around the site and familiarising yourself with some of the features. Whatever your thoughts, be sure to let us know via our feedback function. Comments and suggestions are always a great way of helping us continue to enhance the way we look after you.  

Check out our new Community Advice Hub page complete with a calendar of events:

iDiabetes (intelligent Diabetes) is a new initiative using a ‘precision medicine’ approach to diabetes care. Which Craigvinean Surgery has joined up with.

No more one size fits all!

The iDiabetes team have developed a new clinical platform which will allow enhanced testing and more sophisticated analysis of patients’ health data. This will help clinicians better understand each person’s diabetes, as well as their risk for complications.

iDiabetes has the potential to radically improve patient outcomes by identifying the most effective medications at the earliest stage in treatment. Giving the right drug, to the right patient, at the right time.

NHS Tayside has received a £2.8m award from the Scottish Government Chief Scientists Office to implement and test this new care approach. The project is a joint initiative between NHS Tayside and the University of Dundee, in partnership with the University of Aberdeen and NHS Education Scotland (NES) Digital.

In your letter inviting you to your next Diabetes review you will get a letter explaining the project. You can then choose to opt out at your review if desired.

More information can also be found at

Counter Fraud Services have alerted us about a sharp rise in scam GP telephone calls.

Members of the public receive a call appearing to be from their GP surgery asking them to press a button to update their details. Some of these messages suggest that if the person does not update their details, they will be removed from the GP practice list.​​​​​​​

If you receive a call like this you can be certain it is not from us. So do not provide details or if requested press a button on your phone. Just hang up.

If you receive a scam telephone call, you can report the incident to Police Scotland by calling 101.

Dunkeld, Birnam and District Community Care Project

Our community lacks adequate access to quality home care services. The Dunkeld & Birnam Community-Led Care Project will look at innovative ways to meet our local care needs. We have a great opportunity to create something that will work for our community and enhance the lives of our family, friends and neighbours.

Dunkeld, Birnam and District Community Development Trust would like individuals to have the choice to stay in the comfort of their own homes and receive care at home. By working together, we can create a strong support system that enables this. We firmly believe that if we don't take on this responsibility, our community will continue to receive insufficient support.

Have your say!
The Trust are working with a group of consultants, SKS Scotland, to explore a community-led care at home service for Dunkeld & Birnam and other communities in North Perthshire. This survey will help them find out about the needs of this community.

Please take 
3 minutes to answer this survey. Please ask each adult in your household to complete the survey.
Survey deadline: 30 September 2024.

No identifiable information will be shared with anyone outwith the research team. If you require any help with this survey please contact

Ordering Your Prescription

The last year has seen a very notable increase in the number of prescriptions that we process on a day to day basis. The sheer volume of requests leads to more risk of mistakes being made and a workload that has begun to affect completion of other tasks in our desired timeframe. To meet this increase in demand we have increased our admin team staff hours and we have also made changes to the method for how patients can order their repeat prescriptions.

These are the options available listed in order of our preference (when it comes to prescriptions the written word is the least likely to lead to errors):

1) Use our online prescription ordering service through our practice website. Using the link on the homepage.

2) Send your request to our dedicated prescription email address:  When sending your email please include your name, date of birth and your preferred place for collection of your prescription.

3) You can still phone the Surgery to order your prescription but now you will be asked to leave your prescription as a message on our new prescription voicemail. When doing so you will need to provide your name, date of birth, preferred collection point but most importantly the correct name and dose of the medication/s you wish to request.

4) Of course you can also order your prescription in person at the reception desk.

 Pharmacies do ask that patients allow 7 days between ordering of and collection of their prescriptions.

Prostate Fit

Is My Child too ill for school?:


The key messages for the campaign are:


  • Anyone, particularly those aged 40+, with persistent symptoms unusual for them are
  • being urged to ‘be the early bird’ and contact their GP practice.
  • If you’re worried about a possible cancer symptom, your GP practice wants to know.
  • Possible cancer symptoms could include unexplained bleeding, unusual lumps,
  • unexplained weight loss or something that doesn’t feel normal for you.
  • Finding cancer earlier can mean there’s more treatment options available, a 
  • better chance of living well after treatment and better news to tell the family.
  • For more information visit

Breast Screening Programme Changes

Women who did not attend their last screening  invitation (3 years previously) will get a letter informing them that they are due breast screening and that this will be happening in their area shortly. The letter will ask the woman to call the screening centre to make an  appointment.  The letters will be sent to women who have previously defaulted in advance of the planned screening round, to ensure they have plenty of time to call to arrange a suitable appointment. A reminder letter will be sent 2 weeks later if they haven’t called for an appointment and in addition, a text message will be issued should a mobile number be available to the service.

Mobile Unit

There will no longer be a breast screening mobile unit sent to Dunkeld. Our patients will now need to attend the Perth or Pitlochry mobile units which will be detailed in your appointment letter.

Women who call the centre can either book an appointment, advise that they don’t need an appointment or formally opt out of breast screening.  If they choose to opt out then a formal disclaimer form will be sent in the post for completion/ return.

Quick Health Advice From NHS 24 Online

If you live in Scotland, the NHS 24 online app allows you to find your nearest services and to assess your symptoms to find out what you should do next.

The Find my Nearest function allows you to locate health and care services within your local area by using your post code or location. You will be able to see how far away each service is, if it is open or closed and contact details for the service.

The chatbot functions allows you to answer questions and find out how to get further

advice for:

  • Accessing Medicines
  • Eye problems
  • Flu-like illness
  • Lower back pain
  • Urinary tract infections (UTI's)

The App is compatible with both Android and iOS devices.

Perth Hope Hub

Sick and tired of life-controlling problems? There is hope. Visit the Perth Hope Hub, Princes Street, Perth  every Tuesday. Have a hot drink, some food and speak with people who want to help you break free of your problems. For more info:


Care Navigation

Visit our Care Navigation page to discover the various pathways our receptionist can direct you too when you contact the Surgery:

NHS TAYSIDE Midwifery team have a range of services on offer to anybody who is pregnant. The below link will take you to a QR link based poster they have created to assist you in finding the best advice while pregnant:

Appointment Reminder & Text Service

 The Surgery has an appointment reminder service on our system courtesy of the Health Board.

It will send appointment reminders by text to any Patient who has given us their mobile number previously. Alternatively it will send an email to those without a mobile number recorded but with an email address in their patient record.

We can also use this system to text patients other clinical info including: Appointments, test results and prescription info.

If you do not wish us to send you texts you can opt-out at reception.


From Monday 25th May 2020 our patients have access to First Contact Physiotherapy. This service allows you to be referred directly to see  a Physiotherapist without first having to speak to a GP. If you are happy to see a Physiotherapist first please phone the Surgery and let the Receptionist know. You will then be given an appointment slot with a Physio for an initial consultation. The receptionist who takes your call will ask you for the best contact number for the Physio team to get you on.

The Physiotherapist will have access to your medical record but be assured they are bound by the same Data Confidentiality rules as the Surgery is. NHS Tayside and Craigvinean Surgery have a data sharing agreement and operate as Joint Controllers of the data we hold.

Please see the below poster outlining the appointment process.

Physio Poster 

The Sinclair Family Trust was established in 2018 to provide support to people in need living in the North Perthshire area.

The Trust is actively seeking applications and will  consider funding requests from individuals, groups, and local organisations for the purposes of providing  assistance to those in need in meeting the demands of day-to-day living.

Each application will be considered on its merits and they aim to respond to applicants within 3 months of their application.

Further information and their application form is available on their website:

Or for more details please contact:

The Sinclair Family Trust

10 Barossa Place



Tel:01738 623432   

Craigvinean in the Snow

The snow can be an infernal nuisance but it also can look extremely picturesque. Resident District Nurse Tamzin, took this spectacular photo of the Surgery cloaked in a fine sprinkle of snow:



The Dunkeld and Birnam area has four defibrillators. These can be found at:

The Birnam Institute, Dunkeld North Car Park, The old BT telephone Box at Butterstone and Brodies Timber at Inver.

Message in a bottle: Emergency Information Scheme

This scheme provides Emergency Services Staff with vital details of any illness or allergy and someone to   contact should they be called to your home as a result of sudden illness or personal accident. A bottle with your personal details is kept in your fridge and two small stickers unique to the scheme and known to Emergency Services Staff are displayed within your house to alert them of the bottle’s presence. It is available free of charge. Phone 01738 473718 or email: for more info.


Sick Day Rules!


NHS Tayside has printed some information cards on how to care for your Kidney's when you are suffering from regular sickness or diarrhoea. Take a look at the information on the link below or pick up a card at the Surgery Reception.

Medicine Sick Day rules                                

Health News from the BBC and the NHS

BBC Health
NHS Choices Behind the Headlines
NHS ScotlandThis site is brought to you by My Surgery Website