When we are Closed
Ayrshire & Arran Health Board has commissioned NHS 24 to provide an out of hours, telephone advice service at nights and weekends for patients with urgent medical problems.
If you require to be seen, NHS 24 will arrange for you to see one of the Doctors working for Ayrshire Urgent Care Service (AUCS) if appropriate.
When you telephone our practice out of hours 01292 671444, an answering machine will give you the on call telephone number to telephone. Alternatively you can contact NHS 24 directly on 111
If you simply need advice, a Nursing Sister or Doctor will speak to you. If you need to be seen by a Doctor and are fit to travel, you will be invited to a treatment centre. If your problem is more serious and you are not fit to travel, a Doctor will visit you at home.
Please be prepared to give a few details including name, address and telephone number etc. when you telephone the out of hours number.
Telephone calls to the out of hours service are recorded. Please remember that the service is for URGENT problems only.
The NHS 24 website can be found at www.nhs24.com