Clinics & Services

Blood Pressure

If you have been asked to monitor your blood pressure at home, please download the home blood pressure tracker and hand it in at reception.

Childhood Immunisations

You will be notified when vaccination is due.

Click here for the recommended immunisation schedule.

Health Check Clinics

Health promotion has long been part of our service provision. All patients over the age of 16 are encouraged to have a MOT every 3 years. This is carried out by an appointment with our health care assistant and is free of charge.

Family Planning

This clinic is held every other week on Thursday evenings from 17:30 – 20:00 depending on staff availability. Dr Sara Jones and one of the practice nurses are available to see patients.

These clinics are held for patients who require advice regarding any method of contraception, including the contraceptive pill, contraceptive injections/implants, coil fittings and also hormone replacement therapy, (HRT), and menopausal advice.

Please contact Daisy to book an appointment 01276 986898.

Flu Vaccination

Influenza vaccination is recommended for any patient over the age of 65 or those with heart, lung or kidney disease or those with diabetes and residents of nursing/rest homes.

Please contact reception in September for details of the vaccination dates and to make an appointment.

Coronary Heart Disease Clinic

Patients who have suffered a heart attack, angina or have been admitted to hospital for treatment of heart problems will be assessed by the District Nursing team on discharge. Patients will then be referred to our specialist practice nurse for monitoring in the clinic.

Please contact Nikki or Katie for an appointment as necessary on 01276 470282.

Diabetes Clinic

This clinic is run by the practice sisters and they provide advice and care on diabetes.

Appointments can be arranged by contacting Nikki or Katie on 01276 470282.

Hypertension Clinics

Patients with established, stable high blood pressure will have their follow up appointments in the hypertension clinic with the practice nurses. The appointment includes a blood pressure check, blood tests and lifestyle advice.

Smoking Cessation Clinic

These are held by one of our practice nurses. Please contact reception to make an appointment.

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