Long Term Conditions Reviews (LTCs)

A long-term condition review is a type of Health Check for people with Long Term Conditions.

If you have one of the following conditions, then you will be invited for an annual review or more frequently if necessary.

    • Diabetes
    • High blood pressure
    • Kidney disease
    • Heart disease
    • Asthma
    • Chronic bronchitis
    • Rheumatoid arthritis
    • Learning disabilities
    • Dementia
    • Severe mental health problems

When will I be invited?

Our clinical year runs from 1st April to 31st March, so we aim to complete all annual reviews within this period, therefore, inviting you in your month of birth helps us to manage the workload as well as other demands upon the practice.

We will invite you shortly before your month of birth. It is important that you respond and book your appointment within 6 weeks to prevent a backlog, which causes a knock-on delay for clinic appointments.

What will happen at my appointment?

You may need a blood test at your appointment, in which case the invite will say this.

When you come to the practice, you can talk with a clinical team member about how you are getting on and any medication you are taking. 

The aim is to make sure your condition is being controlled as well as possible and to identify any areas where we can make changes to help you. This might include changes to the type or dosage of medication and check any equipment you might use, like inhalers, are working effectively.

If you have had a blood test, the GP will review the results. If there is anything of urgent concern, you will be contacted. However, we advise checking your online records account for any routine messages from the GP, i.e., needs to repeat test OR needs routine appointment with doctor. If you have one of these messages, please contact the surgery to book your routine follow up.

Multiple Long-Term Conditions

For patients who have more than one long term condition, you may be invited for more than one appointment. For example, if you suffer with both Asthma and Diabetes, you will receive an invitation to attend an Asthma review with our Respiratory Nurse as well as an invitation to attend for a diabetic foot check and blood test before being booked for a follow up review with the Diabetic Specialist.

If you take more than one regularly prescribed medication, you might be asked to see a Clinical Pharmacist, a medicine specialist, who will help make sure you are getting the best outcomes from your medication.

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