Clinics & Services

ANTENATAL SERVICES: The local midwifery team provide a full service. They are not based in the practice. You can contact them directly for pregnancy testing, booking and pregnancy advice on 01870 603354
BLOOD TEST CLINIC: Patient blood tests and other investigations are performed in community clinic in Balivanich. Tests are done at the request of a GP or nurse.
CONTRACEPTIVE SERVICES: Benbecula Medical Practice offers contraceptive services including pills, injections, caps, and contraceptive implants. More information about the types of methods available can be found here and there are also leaflets available from the surgery. Dr Dawson inserts and removes contraceptive implants, and Nurse Binnie has advanced training in sexual health including fitting caps.
CHILDREN’S HEALTH: The health visitor service is not based in the surgery. However, we maintain good links with the Health Visitors. The local service is based in Balivanich Clinic, contact 01870 602266
CHILDHOOD IMMUNISATIONS (BY APPOINTMENT): This service has been taken on by the Vaccine Transformation Program, and childhood immunisations will be delivered by the community nursing team. We strongly recommend that all children have the full range of childhood immunisations except in those extremely rare cases where there are contra-indications. The normal schedule and vaccine information can be seen here. If you have any concerns at all about your child being immunised, please discuss the matter with your Health Visitor. If you would like to arrange an appointment for vaccination you can phone the Western Isles Vaccination Helpline on 0808 196 8383 or email (phoneline open Monday to Friday: 9am – 5pm).
CHRONIC DISEASE MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST CLINICS: (Asthma, Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Epilepsy, Heart Disease, Mental Health, Stroke, Thyroid, Cancer, Lung Disease, Peripheral vascular disease, Atrial Fibrillation, Heart failure) - We are slowly moving to a 'house of care' style, focusing more on patients setting their goals. We are also moving to a month of birth recall and review system. These clinics and reviews are arranged on a regular basis. Patients with any of these conditions will be contacted to attend, either by letter or by telephone. The clinics are run by the practice nurses. If you think you have been missed from the recall programme please let us know as soon as possible.
MINOR INJURIES: The Uists and Barra Hospital in Benbecula has an A&E department that can manage all minor injuries, and is open 24/7. The branch surgery in Daliburgh can also manage minor injuries during opening hours.
MINOR SURGERY: Some minor surgery procedures can be undertaken at the practice. This is usually arranged by the GP. Wart and Verruca clinics are also arranged by the practice.
PHARMACIST REVIEWS: Our Primary Care Pharmacist, Amy MacPhee, works remotely. She can deal with medication reviews and medication requests. You can phone and make an appointment with her through the surgery.
PHYSIOTHERAPY APPOINTMENTS: You can phone and book an appointment with our physiotherapist by calling the practice number. She can undertake acute assessments, prescribe medication, and refer on to other clinics where appropriate.
SEASONAL VACCINATION CLINICS: The health board has taken on responsibility for providing seasonal vaccines, including influenza and pneumonia. Eligible groups this year include:
- Social care workers
- Health care workers
- Household members of individuals who were shielding
- Those aged over 55
- Preschool children age 2 to 5
- School children primary 1 to 7
- Patients with specific health conditions, such as heart disease, liver disease, asthma, lung disease or diabetes.
The health board will provide vaccination clinics at a range of venues in the practice area, by appointment.
SMOKING CESSATION: If you are looking for help to stop smoking, please visit Smokefree Hebrides. You will be advised about which products will suit you best to bolster up your willpower, as well as offering motivational support. The GPs at the surgery can prescribe smoking cessation products, but prefer patients to be supported by the smoking cessation team, as this has been shown to improve quit success.
WELL NORTH HEALTH CHECKS: These checks screen for risks to your health. They are suitable for patients aged between 40 and 70 years of age, generally every five years. The checks can be undertaken by the clinical support worker or practice nurses. After the check is completed, you will be informed of any risks that have been identified as well as information and advice about how you might reduce those risks.
WELL WOMEN CLINICS: NHS Scotland has a national database that sends out letters to remind women when to make an appointment for their smears. If you think you have been missed from the recall programme please let us know as soon as possible.