Travel Vaccinations
We have changed the way our travel service is being run.
You no longer need to fill in a form about your trip.
Please contact the practice and ask for a telephone appointment with the nurse to discuss your travel arrangements. This should be at least 6 weeks before your travel – the earlier the better.
The nurse will gather information about your mode of travel, destination, length of stay, purpose of travel, other health concerns and previous immunisation history. If you are able to think about these before your telephone consultation it would be helpful.
If, after this discussion, it is recommended that you require vaccinations, then an appointment will be booked for you to come in for these. If the vaccinations you are recommended to have are only available privately, then you will be advised of where you can obtain these.
You will also receive travel health advice.
There is a lot to cover when advising about travel so we strongly recommend that you have a look at the following website for advice and information. There is a link on there to a General Advice leaflet which is particularly useful and also links to websites such as NathNac and Fit for Travel where you can look up your destinations and see health advice, including vaccine recommendations.
Traveller Advice Resources - Jane Chiodini