Clinics & Services

Phlebotomy Clinics

8.30 - 14:30 Monday - Friday


All of the doctors provide maternity care in co-operation with the hospital maternity unit. We will see you regularly at the surgery for antenatal check-ups. The community midwife will visit you at home and after the baby's birth. Parentcraft classes are held locally.

There is now a central number for the Health Visiting Team. They can be contacted on 07970501609


We hold a drop in contraception clinic every Thursday from 4.30pm - 5.30pm

We also hold weekly, subject to demand, clinics for insertion of coils and implants.  

Well Woman 

All ladies aged 25-64 will be sent letters calling them for cervical smear tests, and our  nurses perform these tests. The doctors can perform breast checks. When booking your appointment, please ask specifically for which appointment you require. 


Ask to see the Nurse or Healthcare Support Worker for any of these clinics:

  • Well Person check (female or male)
  • Healthy eating and weight check
  • Stop cessation
  • Travel clinic
  • Asthma clinic
  • COPD clinic
  • Change of dressing
  • Stitch removal
  • Whooping cough vaccination - pregnant women
  • Coil check
  • Diabetic
  • Blood Pressure check
  • B12 injection 

Travel Clinic 

Please click here

Mental Health and Learning Disability reviews

We carry out annual reviews for patients on our registers.  If included on the practice register you will be contact annually and asked to attend the practice initially to see a Healthcare Support Worker for a routine blood test, blood pressure reading and possibly lifestyle advice and then to see / speak with a GP for your review.


We hold weekly INR monitoring clinics for patient on warfarin.  

Minor Surgery and Cryotherapy

The surgery holds weekly, subject to demand, clinics by internal referral. If you think you need Minor Surgery or Cryotherapy, please contact us to arrange and appointment with a clinician.

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