

Do you look after someone? Are you a Carer? Are you a Young Carer?


“Do you look after a relative, friend or neighbour who is ill, frail, disabled, has a mental health concern or problematic substance use and who could not manage without your help? If so, then you are a Carer and there are a number of ways you can get help and support.”



Ystwyth Medical Group recognises that unpaid Carers contribute a vital service and a significant saving to the NHS by looking after relatives, neighbours or friends who might otherwise have to find alternative care. This practice is committed to providing appropriate support and consideration to its patients who are Carers whatever their age.


What we can do to help

The Practice holds a list of those patients who are Carers and who have agreed to be on the register. The register enables the practice to provide Carers with information on local and national support and help. We can also arrange an optional referral to Social Services for a Carers Assessment or contact with voluntary service agencies if required.

At Ystwyth Medical Group we aim to raise the awareness of the vital role of Carers and to support them with practical help and information.

If we are able to recognise you as a Carer we can ensure that you received the appropriate consideration and support.


How can you register as a Carer?

Registration forms are available in the surgery or speak to any staff member. Forms are also available from other voluntary organisations.

Nichola Carter and Mandy Davies are our Practice Carers Leads. You can ask to speak to them by telephone or make an appointment for a chat in the surgery.

You also have the option to complete the below online Carers registration form:

Register as a Carer

Please email the completed form to

What is a Carer's Assessment?

A Carer's Needs Assessment is your opportunity to tell Social Services about the things that could make caring easier for you. It is an assessment of your needs, not those of the person you are caring for. Every Carer is entitled to an assessment. When you register with us as a Carer, the practice will offer you the option of a referral to discuss receiving an assessment. 

young carer

Hosp carer

eng    look after me


Cylchgrawn y Gofalwyr

 Carers Magazine


Gaeaf/Winter 2021



How to find out more information


The practice has a dedicated Carers notice board in the waiting room with further information and news of local events. You can also ask at reception.


Ceredigion County Council Carers Unit and Carers Information Service


Tel: 01970 633564



Red Cross Ceredigion Carers Support Service

Offers a range of practical and emotional support to Carers in the community

Tel: 01239 615945



Action for Children Ceredigion Young Carers service

Support and helps Young Carers under the age of 18.

Tel: 07843 643012



Young Carer    Gofalwr Ifanc

Hafal Crossroads Ceredigion

Practical support, assistance and respite care

Tel 01970 627966



Support for adult Carers of people experiencing mental health issues

Tel: 01970 624756


Carers Wales

An organisation working for a better deal for Carers in Wales. They have a web site with useful details of financial and practical help and events including a downloadable Carers Rights Guide.


NHS Choices

Information and confidential advice for Carers - 0300 123 1053

The Citizens Advice Bureau - 01239 613 707 

Age Cymru Ceredigion - 01970 615151 
Website -

Herbert Protocol

The Herbert Protocol is a form that carers, family or friends of a vulnerable person, or the person themselves can fill in. It contains a list of information to help the police if the person goes missing.

More information can be found here.

Carers Wales

Carers Wales is launching a new, bilingual emotional support service for unpaid carers.

The  new telephone ‘Listening Support Service’ will offer unpaid carers a chance to chat to someone who understands the challenges of caring. The trained callers will make a series of phone calls, providing emotional support and a listening ear, to support carers wherever they are in their caring journey. 

With many carers stating that during the pandemic they have felt “abandoned”, “set adrift” and expected to “get on with it” with little or no support, this service will offer a much-needed space for carers to take time out to talk to someone who understands.

Quote from Barbara - member of the Listening Support Team

“After my own caring experience, I know how important it is to have someone who will listen to you in your time of need, in a safe space, and in confidence. There doesn’t need to be a specific reason, just having someone to talk to offering emotional support really helps. It’s a wonderful opportunity to give something back – at my time of need I didn’t know who to contact for support for myself, so this is my thank you to Carers Wales for having this much-needed project.”

The service has received Welsh Government funding to March 2023. 

For more information and to sign up to the service, visit and


If you regularly care for a relative, friend or neighbour who could not manage without you help and you don’t get paid for it then you are a Carer.

Whatever your caring role, it is important to look after your own health too.

The ‘Introduction to Looking After Me’ Session

Is designed just for you.

The ‘Introduction to Looking After Me’ Session

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