
The following clinics can be booked in advance, please call the surgery on 02920797751 any weekday to make an appointment 

  • Flu Clinic - Immunisations are offered annually to all patients above the age of 65 and those patients under the age of 65 who suffer with a chronic disease. 

  • Dermatology Clinic - Any condition that affects the skin, moles or skin growths changing in shape, color, texture or size
  • Musculoskeletal (MSK) Clinic - Any conditions that affect pain, weakness or stiffness in joints and muscles
  • Menopause HRT Clinic - To discuss symptoms and medication

More information regarding menopause can be found by selecting the following links;

Menopause Matters, menopausal symptoms, remedies, advice

Women's Health Concern | Confidential Advice, Reassurance and Education (

Overview | Menopause: diagnosis and management | Guidance | NICE


Chronic Disease Management

Annual review appointments are offered to all patients suffering with the following

  • Diabetes - The Practice offers annual diabetic reviews. where we will discuss  diabetes management and any concerns they may have. Blood and urine will also be tested along with height, weight, blood pressure and foot check.
  • Asthma - All patients are encouraged to attend the asthma clinic regularly where we will assess your treatment and inhaler therapy to ensure your are on the correct medication to help keep your asthma in control.  
  • COPD - All patients are encouraged to attend the clinic regularly where we will assess your treatment and inhaler therapy to ensure your are on the correct medication to help keep your symptoms under control.  

All patients will receive a reminder when the reviews are due

Well Baby Clinic99351926

  • Wednesday 13:00 - 15:00
  • Friday 9:30 - 11:30

If you need to speak to the midwife, please contact the surgery and a telephone consultation will be arranged

Please note a health visitor will only be available for advice on Friday mornings. Appointments are not necessary.

Immunisations services are offered. You will be contacted when your child's immunisations are due and asked to attend baby clinic.

Please Note: If your baby is unwell and needs to see a GP please arrange an appointment as the GP will only be available at Baby Clinic for developmental eight week checks arranged by the practice.

Antenatal Care

Please register your pregnancy at the web address below

Once registered you will be contacted by the our midwife for an appointment during the following times; 

  • Tuesday's 8:30 – 16:00
  • Thursday's 8:30 - 16:00

Minor Surgery

The practice is approved for minor surgical procedures. Treatment will be arranged with your doctor.

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