Picture of Dr Tim SephtonPartners

Dr Timothy J Sephton

MB, ChB MRCGP Cape Town 1990

Picture of Dr Nick AlexanderDr Nick Alexander

MB ChB, nMRCGP, BSc Bristol 2006

Picture of Dr Suzy RootDr Suzanne Root

MBChB BSc MRCGP. Bristol, July 2011   

Picture of Dr Ceri LumbDr Ceri Lumb

MBChB, BSc, MRCGP Leeds 2010

Salaried GP's

Picture of Dr John BryantDr John Bryant

BSc, BMedSci, BMBS, MRCGP  Nottingham 2009  

Picture of Dr Tom WoodmanDr Tom Woodman

MB BS 2013 St Georges, University of London

Picture of Dr Eli RendleDr Elinor Rendle

MB ChB 2009 Bristol MR CGP 2017

Picture of Dr Alex SumptionDr Alexander Sumption

MB, ChB MRCGP Birmingham 2014

Picture of Dr Ellie VardanegaDr Ellie Vardanega

MB BChir MA MRCGP Cambridge 2014

Photo of Dr Molly DineenDr Molly Dineen

Molly joined us in February 2024 and will be with us for 6 months.

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