Vicky Powell and Alan Price are our Mental Health Practitioner's (MHP) and the first point of contact for patients over 18 years with mental health problems.
They are both experienced mental health nurses, who can offer advice and link patients to appropriate services in the community. They also work with patients to develop care plans and monitor medication.
To arrange a consultation with Vicky or Alan please call our reception team on 01757 211750.
You're not alone 1 in 4 people experience mental health issues in their lifetime |
Significant events like bereavement, unemployment, relationship breakdown, traumatic events or even stress at work can lead to difficulties requiring help and support. Problems with low
mood and anxiety can develop and make it difficult for us to cope with life’s daily demands.
NHS York and Selby Talking Therapies, provide a range of therapies for people in the Vale of York aged 16 and over who may be experiencing problems like depression, anxiety and worry, social phobia, specific phobias, panic disorders, PTSD and OCD.
To make sure that the Talking Therapies service is right for you, you can complete a self-referral form by either:
Help for children and young people under 18
SELBY Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
The service offers individual therapy and groups to children and young people, up to the age of 18, who are experiencing moderate to severe mental health problems. Children and young people may be struggling with how they feel about themselves which may affect their relationships and ability to do things they enjoy. They may be feeling very low, worried, anxious, hurting themselves and/or having thoughts of wanting to die.
CAMHS undertake Autism Spectrum Condition and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) assessments when there is enough evidence from parents and schools/other professionals. The service also provides parent groups for children and young people with a diagnosis of ADHD and if appropriate, medication for young people with ADHD or severe mental health problems.
Referrals can be made by parents and health professionals.
01757 241070 open 9am to 5pm
Visit the website for more information:
Crisis Resolution and intensive home treatment service for Adults and Children
If you, or someone you know, is experiencing a mental health crisis, call NHS 111 and select the mental health option.
Available 24/7, you will speak to a mental health professional who can listen to you and help you find the right support.
If you are deaf or have hearing loss please use NHS 111 – SignVideo or the 18001 111 Relay UK app.
In a mental health emergency call NHS 111 and select the Mental Health Option (this is option 2) This freephone line is open 24/7 |
You might be in crisis if:
- you are thinking of hurting yourself or suicide seems the only option
- you are experiencing extreme distress that seems overwhelming, which may relate to current/past trauma
- you are experiencing psychotic episodes (loss of sense of reality, hallucinations, hearing voices) and / or other behaviour that seems out of control or irrational and that is likely to endanger the person or others.
Advice on what to do in a crisis can also be found on the NHS Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys website HERE
Recovery College Online
Tees, Esk And Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust has launched a free on-line resource providing information on mental health wellbeing and e-learning courses to promote recovery.
An NHS funded service where you can find free, safe, and anonymous mental health and wellbeing help. There are no waiting lists, no referrals and you can access support today.
Visit the website

York Mind is a leading local provider of services supporting individuals recovering from mental ill-health to achieve outcomes that will progress them towards recovery, social inclusion and integration in mainstream activity such as learning, volunteering or employment.
01904 64 33 64

Brighter Futures is a service user led and organised group supporting anyone experiencing emotional and mental distress
Peer & community support for those with a mental illness
Benefits support from those that have been through the application process
Twice weekly coffee mornings and regular day trips
phone, although alternative arrangements can be made if required. At the end o