Wellbeing Link Workers
Wellbeing link workers listen to people and work with them to help improve their wellbeing and to maintain their independence. They offer emotional and practical support. They help people to identify their goals and what is important to them. They can link you to non-clinical services, local agencies, and support groups to help you to achieve your goals.

People who can be referred
- 18+
- Lonely or socially isolated
- Mental health- Low mood, depression, anxiety, stress.
- Loss of confidence
- Wanting to access the community
- Employment/ Volunteering
- Bereavement or loss of support network
- Carers
- Money or debt worries
Support offered
- Motivational interviewing / Change talk/ coping techniques
- Sign posting
- MECC conversations – lifestyles - smoking, alcohol, drugs, weight.
- Goal setting
- Look at hobbies and people's interests.
- Emotional support
- Foodbank and community fridge/ NYLAF applications/ Clothing bank
- Signposting/ referral to benefit advisor (we are not able to offer benefit advice or complete benefit forms)
Please phone the reception team to arrange an appointment with Molly Harrison or Kathryn Darley.
Benefit Advice
North Yorkshire Council provide benefit checks with their income maximisation team.
Call 0300 131 2 131 or visit
Citizen's Advice can also complete a benefit check or provide support to complete benefit forms.
Drop-in sessions in Selby, 38 Ousegate, Selby, YO8 4NH
Monday, Tuesday and Friday 10am-12:30
Call the advice line 0808 278 7900
Email advice@northyorkslca.org.uk
Everyday Enable is based at Community House, Selby and offer benefit checks and support to complete forms.
Contact Jo Scott - 07724 900518 or via Up for Yorkshire (Community House) reception on 01757 291111.
Everyday Enable – Invest In Access, Invest In Success
Local Charities and Help

A simple solution to wasting less and saving more! Selby Community Fridge is a sociable place where ANY member of the community can donate, collect or exchange surplus perishable food. We aim to both reduce food waste and provide a space where all locals can share food, support, skills, recipes and more!
This is more than a fridge - it is a communal hub, connecting us to our Community, to nutritious food and our environmental impact.
Make sure you follow @SelbyCommunityFridge on Facebook and Instagram to find our most up-to-date information!
Please don't hesitate to contact us should you have any queries! Please call 07458385990 or email us at communityfridge@selbybiglocal.org.uk
Horton Housing – Selby Stay Well
Are you in need of housing related or other support to enable you to move towards or continue in independent living?
Horton Housing offer a programme of activities including self-care/life skills sessions, and practical advice and support regarding money management, housing advice, personal safety and healthy eating.
07823 349989
07525 667966
Warm and Well
Warm and Well in North Yorkshire raises awareness of the impact of cold homes on our health and wellbeing, offers practical solutions to reduce fuel poverty, and supports people and communities to stay warm and will in winter.
Aim to provide relief of financial hardship among people living within the Selby District, by providing such persons or groups with goods and services which they could not otherwise afford through lack of means.

The Wilf Ward Family Trust is a charity that was established in 1986 by Wilf and Phyllis Ward. It was founded on the principles of providing support, accommodation and respite to disabled and vulnerable people and their families.