Disability Support Services
There are a range of different services throughout Orkney which can provide support and assistance to people who live with a disability who want to become more independent. See below for more information and links to these services.
Blue Badge
A Blue Badge is a scheme which entitles people with severe walking disabilities to park in restricted areas. Blue Badge applications are processed by the Orkney Islands Council. For more information on Blue Badges you can visit the website or drop by the Council Offices for an application pack.
The Selbro Resource Centre
The Selbro Resource Centre is an Assistive Equipment Store and Resource Centre.
It is available to anyone who could use assistive equipment to help them be more independent. The centre has a range of assistive equipment on display, arranged into various rooms from around the home i.e. kitchen, bathroom, living room etc, as well as an area with equipment specifically for people with sight or hearing loss.
If you would like to visit the Selbro Centre you can attend their weekly drop-in session on a Wednesday afternoon from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm. The staff can assist you on the loan or purchase of assistive equipment.
For more information on the Selbro Resource Centre please click here.
Selbro Resource Centre
Scotts Road
Hatston Industrial Estate
KW15 1GR
The Orkney Disability Forum
The Orkney Disability Forum offer information and advice on a range of services and equipment which can assist people living with a disability. This includes services like Dial-a-Bus and Shopmobility (wheelchairs & scooters), they also stock a small range of living equipment.
Orkney Disability Forum
18 Junction Road
KW15 1AB
Telephone: 01856 870340
Email: info@odforkney.com
Website: www.orkneycommunities.co.uk/odf/
Orkney Foodbank
The Orkney Foodbank provides emergency food and support to local people in crisis.
Vouchers are available from:
GP Practices, Citizens Advice Bureau, Social Work, The Blide Trust and Home Start.
The Foodbank is open Tuesdays and Fridays 12.00 am - 2.00 pm.
For more information about the Orkney Foodbank you can visit their website: orkneyfoodbank.org.uk
Orkney Foodbank
Dunkirk, Shore Street
KW15 1LG
Telephone: 07719 293 378
Email: info@orkney.foodbank.org.uk
Counselling & Support Services
There are a wide range of services throughout Orkney which provide counselling and support for people in times of need. Assistance is available for many issues, some of which include people who may be being affected by alcohol or substance misuse, people living with mental health issues, dealing with bereavement, experiencing relationship problems, feeling vulnerable or socially isolated.
Scroll through the list below to find out about what these agencies offer, get their contact details or find a link to visit their websites.
Home Start Orkney
Home-Start Orkney is a scheme which provides free support, friendship and practical help to families with at least one child under the age of five who may be experiencing pressures such as isolation, lone parenting, financial stress, children on the autistic spectrum, parenting multiples, mental health issues etc.
Home-Start Orkney
7 Main Street
KW15 1BU
Telephone: 01856 870770
Email: postmaster@homestartorkney.org.uk
Website: www.orkneycommunities.co.uk/HOMESTARTORKNEY
Crossroads Orkney
Crossroads Orkney is a service which provides information, emotional support and practical help to carers in Orkney with an aim of enhancing their quality of life. For more information, click on the link below:
Crossroads Patient Leaflet
Crossroads Orkney
Kirkwall Travel Centre
West Castle Street
KW15 1GU
Telephone: 01856 870500
Email: carers@crossroadorkney.co.uk
Website: www.crossroadsorkney.co.uk
The Orkney Blide Trust
The Orkney Blide Trust is a service which aims to promote mental wellbeing in Orkney. They offer a range of services to help support anyone who is experiencing mental ill health. Services include the ‘Blide Hoose’, a Drop-in Service, Befriending Service and Housing Support just to name a few. Call or visit their website for more information.
Orkney Blide Trust
54 Victoria Street
KW15 1DN
Telephone: 01856 874874
Email: admin@blidetrust.org
Website: www.blidetrust.org.uk
Women's Aid Orkney
Women’s Aid Orkney provides women and children affected by domestic violence with free, confidential support. They also have refuge accommodation which can be provided.
Women's Aid Orkney
39A Victoria Street
KW15 1DN
Telephone: 01856 877900
Email: info@womensaidorkney.org.uk
Website: www.womensaidorkney.org.uk
Cruse Bereavement Care
Cruse Bereavement Care offers a free, independent and confidential service which provides information, support and counselling for people who are experiencing the pain of bereavement.
Telephone: 08456 002227 (For Initial Contact)
Telephone: 01856 871871 (Local)
Website: www.crusescotland.org.uk ( National)
Advocacy Orkney
Advocacy Orkney can assist vulnerable people who may find it difficult to make their wishes and views heard by others.
Advocacy Orkney
18 Queen Street
KW15 1JE
Telephone: 01856 870111
Email: info@advocacyorkney.org
Website: www.orkneycommunities.co.uk/advocacyorkney
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous hold local meetings in Orkney. Click here to search for details of when and where meetings are held.
Telephone: 0800 9177 650
Website: www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk
The Samaritans
The Samaritans offer 24 hour confidential, non-judgemental emotional support for people going through times of distress.
The Travel Centre
West Castle Street
KW15 1GU
Telephone: 116 123 (24 Hour Helpline)
Website: www.samaritans.org
Relationships Scotland
Relationships Scotland - Orkney provides a range of support to individuals, couples and families experiencing difficulties and helps find ways to move forward.
Relationships Scotland – Orkney
1st Floor Right
Kirkwall Travel Centre
West Castle Street
KW15 1GU
Telephone: 01856 877750
Email: enquiries@rsorkney.org.uk
Website: www.orkneycommunities.co.uk/RSO
Website: www.relationships-scotland.org.uk