National Burns ODN Group (NBODNG)

The purpose of the NBODNG is to provide a forum for peer support for Burns Operational Delivery Network (ODN) teams.

We have agreed governance arrangements and Terms of Reference for the group. NBODNG Terms of Reference (2018)

These are supported and approved by each of the burn ODNs.

We have an annual Work Programme, focusing on a number of nationally significant topics, such as Emergency Preparedness and Audit.

NBODNG Work Programme 2018-2019

Note: Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, work on a proposed 2020-2021 Work Plan was suspended. Additionally, the format of the work programme has been adapted, to include a section that will enable the ODN Team to write a quarterly progress & exception report, for the ODN Board.

NBODNG Work Programme 2021-2022

NBODNG Work Programme 2022-2023

NBNG Work Programme 2023-2024

National Audit:

The NBODNG holds and annual M&M Audit meeting, bringing together all specialised burns services from England and Wales. The purpose of the audit is to add an additional layer of governance and scrutiny to the existing burn service & network audit function, and to support services and networks in sharing experiences and good practice, with the aim of improving patient outcomes and quality of care.

Since 2015, the meeting has also had participation from burn services in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland.

The meeting has an external, independent chair, normally a burns specialist from a service in Europe or North America.

National Mortality Audit Meeting July 2018 - Final Report

National Mortality Audit Meeting July 2019 - Final Report

National Mortality Audit Meeting 2020 - Final Report (Report not produced)

National Mortality Audit Meeting 2021 - Final Report

National Mortality Audit Meeting 2022 - Final Report

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