Department: General/ Stroke Medicine
Clinical Supervisors:
Dr D Oskiera, Dr D Sandler (cardio), Dr E Welch (haem), Dr H Spencer, Dr J Hankinson, Dr J Cooke (cardio), Dr K Shakespeare, Dr P Toth (haem), Dr R Ullegaddi, Dr R Mathew (rheum) and Dr R Genever
What the attachment offers trainees:
Learning objectives:
1. To gain experience in assessing patients with acute stroke and transient ischaemic attacks and formulating a safe and effective management plan
2. To acquire the ability to work through the differential diagnosis in the context of stroke presentations
3. To develop management plans for people with stroke including rehabilitation, health promotion, secondary prevention and social support
4. To gain abilities to work effectively in a multidisciplinary service
5. Broad experience in General Medicine including clinics
What teaching is offered?
1. Teaching during ward rounds/ clinics
2. Lunch time clinical meeting - Monday (1 hour protected)
3. Weekly F2 teaching - Thursday (1hour protected)
4. Weekly Grand rounds – Friday (1 hour protected)
Look at the GP Curriculum to identify what you need to learn for GP.
Look at the trainee handover document to see what other trainees thought.