The practice is a teaching practice with medical students from the Hull York Medical School. We teach students from Year 5 of the medical school.
Students are involved with patients at the practice under the supervision of one of the doctors here. You will always be warned about this in advance and it is your right to decline this involvement.
We very much appreciate your involvement in helping to teach the doctors of the future.
The doctors responsible for the teaching in the practice are:
- Dr Jonathan Hagan
- Dr Mike Jobling
- Dr Caroline Bowey (responsible for Year 5 teaching)
- Dr Mary Clatworthy
Speciality Training
This is when doctors specialise in either general practice or a speciality. It follows on from foundation training and typically lasts for 3 years. Progression through this training is based on the achievement of competencies
Doctors on this scheme are often known as GP Registrars and are usually with us for 6 months, we usually have 1 GP Registrar with us at any one time. During the 6 months they work 4.5 days per week and will consult with patients. In addition to seeing patients they also have 3 hours formal education/tutorial per week with a GP Partner.
Dr Jobling has overall responsibility for GP Registrars
Teaching is very helpful in ensuring the NHS improves quality of care and ensures new doctors are well qualified. It is however your right not to take part in teaching if you would rather not do this. Declining will not affect your care in any way.