Filey Surgey doctors participate in the advanced training of doctors who wish to become General Practitioners. Our GP Specialist Trainees are fully qualified doctors who have already worked for two years or more in hospital posts. They work with us for six months or one year and share all aspects of medical care. Please accept their services as an extension of our own.
Video cameras are sometimes used in training sessions; you will be informed in advance if your consultation is being recorded and you will be asked to sign a consent form.
Filey Surgery provides training for students from Hull, York Medical School (HYMS). We have up to four 3rd year students and a 5th year student who are with the practice for between 2 and 3 days per week. They will undertake consultations with patients and are fully supervised by one of our regular doctors. HYMS has a new way of teaching medical students and up to 50% of the students’ clinical training takes place in general practice rather than the traditional model of lectures and hospital based teaching. The experience of this new way of teaching has been very positively received by both students and patients in surgeries across Scarborough and district.
We hope you will co-operate with us in giving students this valuable experience although you do have the right not to have a medical student present whenever you see a doctor. The HYMS students are likely to become this area’s next GPs and hospital Consultants and we hope you will welcome them and make their time with us enjoyable and rewarding.