Same day appointments - If you have a medical problem and it is urgent (that is a problem that will not wait until the next working day) Please call us from 8am Monday to Friday. You will be greeted by our Patient Service Advisors who will take some information for the reason for calling today.
Although we can appreciate you may not like to provide our advisors with the reason for calling - they are here to help. Our reception staff are very important members of the practice. So they may ask what the reason is for your call today ? (and its not them being nosey).
All our advisors have received full triage training and they will ask you certain questions to help us make sure you receive :
* the most appropriate medical care
*put you with the most appropriate health profession for your needs - (please note at times this may mean, attending another surgery)
* book the appointment at an appropriate time, where possible.
Reception staff, like all members of our team are bound by confidentiality.
Please note appointments can not be booked at the front desk, Covid is still here and we ask that you only attend the practice if you have an appointment. If you are attending the practice and require to speak to reception, please note at busy times there maybe a wait. So we kindly ask please be patient with our staff, as recently we have seen an increase in abuse directed at staff which is disappointing and we do understand your frustration as we get frustrated too. We are doing our best.
Why not try our new online consultation service called, PATCHS which allows you to quickly and easily access GP services
Using patchs you can request an appointment, send prescription queries, request a sick note and send any admin related enquires. The team will look at your request and respond as soon as possible.
To find our further details on how to use patchs simply click and register on the patchs logo below.

There is also a downloadable app available for all Android and iPhone user. Simply search for ‘systmonline’ in your app store to download it, free of charge. Systmonline allows to book appointments and order prescriptions.