Healthier Together for your child's health
The Healthier Together programme relies upon patients and healthcare professionals working together to improve how local healthcare is delivered. The website provides advice for parents, young people and pregnant women, and clinical resources to support healthcare professionals – which means that your child is likely to receive consistently high-quality care, irrespective of which healthcare professional they see
How do I make an appointment?
Booking appointments
Telephone the surgery to make an appointment.
You are now able to view and cancel appointments at your convenience online. You can view your medications, immunisations and allergies. You can also update your address and contact details online. Please ask at reception for details on how to register an account. You can then use the link below.

Evening and weekend appointments
If you are registered with a GP practice in Southampton, you can now get an appointment with a doctor or nurse from 8am to 8pm every weekday (including bank holidays).
What type of appointment do I need?
Routine GP appointment
We offer routine GP appointments up to 4 weeks in advance but should you need an urgent appointment on the
day with a doctor we will offer you an appointment as soon as possible. This may be telephone advice where the doctor will asses you and advise if you need to attend within the next 24 hours.
Nurse Practitioner
Our nurse practitioners support our GPs and are able to offer telephone consultations and face to face appointments, often on the same day. They are able to provide medical advice as well as prescribe medication.
Practice nurse
In a number of cases it might be worth considering an appointment with a practice nurse rather than a doctor. Practice nurses are qualified to deal with many ailments and you may be seen more quickly.
For emergencies which require an urgent visit or appointment which cannot wait for end of surgery, please use the facility on the telephone system to speak urgently to one of the clinical staff, and a doctor or nurse will assess what needs to be done for you.
Telephone Consultations
We pride ourselves on being accessible to our patients, and both the doctors and nurses are happy to call you back if you have a problem that you fell could be dealt with by phone. If you are telephoning about an on-going illness, or for a test result please try to speak to the doctor or nurse who has been looking after you.
Intimate Examinations
You are entitled to ask or arrange for a chaperone to be present during intimate examinations. You can either choose a friend or relative to be present or ask the practice to provide a chaperone.