Please help us to help you - the easiest and fastest way to ask for any kind of help is with askmyGP.
It's available Monday - Friday - we usually respond within 48 hours in working hours, 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday
All our registered patients are welcome, and as a parent or carer you can use askmyGP on behalf of a patient with consent.
You can choose a particular named GP if you wish (so long as they are working that day)
You may prefer a telephone or email response, and choose Penrhyn or Deganwy surgery.
You can login now, without any paperwork

Please post your prescription requests in the letterbox outside the surgery on the railings. If you can indicate on your request where you would like your prescription request to be sent, or alternatively enclose a stamped self addressed envelope we can send it to you.
Why Does the Receptionist Need to Ask What's Wrong With Me?
Advanced Clinicians, Nurse Practitioner and
Practice Nurse
We have three advanced clinicians who can prescribe and refer, and two practice nurses who can help with health issues such as family planning, healthy living advice, blood pressure checks and dressings. The practice nurses run clinics for long-term health conditions such as asthma or diabetes, and carry out cervical smears.
Chaperone Policy
There are occasions when patients need to be examined by a doctor which may involve intimate examinations. It is usual for another person to be present at these times to safeguard the doctor and the patient – a chaperone. The doctor will usually ask if the patient wishes this, although you may decline. At any time, if you wish a chaperone to be present please do not hesitate to ask the doctor. It may not be possible for a chaperone to be provided immediately and you may have to return for the examination to be carried out at a mutually convenient time, or you may wish to ask a relative or friend to accompany you.
If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else.