Registration with the Practice


Patients living within the Practice area are welcome to register and our reception staff can confirm your eligibility from your postcode or alternatively click here to check your address falls within our catchment.    

If you wish to register with the Practice you can now register online by following the link below: 

Alternatively visit either Mendlesham Health Centre or Manor Farm Surgery, Bacton and fill out the required registration documents, or download the three forms below to complete and bring along to either Mendlesham or Manor Farm Surgery at time of registering:

New patient questionnaire - provides useful information whilst we wait for your medical records to arrive from your previous doctor

GMS1 - Family doctor services registration

Summary Care Record - for more information regarding this click here

If you wish to register for GP online services please go to 'Online Services' tab for further information. 

A member of our Reception team will be happy to help with any queries you have regarding your registration.  

Guide to GP Services

The Royal College of General Practitioners has produced a useful guide for patients about the services on offer at GP Surgeries and how to access them.  You can download the guide below:

Patient Guide to GP Services

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